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Comment Re:When a company is fined, who pays? (Score 1) 408

You say that like the shareholders have a say in who is hired. They may be allowed to vote on the board in some cases, but if some Director down the line is helping the company's bottom line, the board will think nothing of it. Remember, because of things like AA many companies will go through a normal hiring process to give every person a chance to apply for the job. You are also assuming it is always the board doing the wrong and/or the board always knows about it. Why should I be punished because some guy who is not on the board is doing crooked stuff? Besides saying who is possibly on the board itself, the shareholders have much less say about who gets hired to do what than you think. That would be like punishing the night manager of K-Mart for an employee stealing from the store. Well technically, the night manager hired the guy, so it is all on him. Let's go further: the night manager is hired in by the general manager, who was hired by the regional manager, who was hired by some corporate guy, who was hired by the board. Well, I guess it is the shareholder's fault for the thousands in theft the guy in the warehouse stole, since the shareholders brought in those guys on the board. Yes, this is a crazy example, and a better one could probably be thought of, but you see my point. Unless it is somebody specifically on the board, who got voted in by the shareholders, it should not be placed on the shareholders.

I went based off of a wrong doing perspective. So if we take this to a higher level, say dumping toxic waste into a lake, and the shareholders and board are unaware, but some director somewhere said that he found a good, cheaper way to get rid of the waste, we should still take it from the shareholders?

You are also acting as though some corporate big wig will be honest enough for you to dig up their crooked deeds they have done. No, it is like being in politics, they will bold face lie to you and then get into office and you think "damn, had I known he would do this, I wouldn't have voted for him"

I have to disagree with you and say that it is not the shareholders who should take the hit. It should not be their responsibility to go CIA and dig up if the person did any dirty deeds, and if they didn't/the deeds went undocumented, then they need to find some way of investigating further to ensure the information they have is accurate. The shareholders put a trust into the board to select the proper people, and when that does not happen, just like in politics, the common man (shareholders/tax payers) have to take the hit.

Comment Re:They've got a point (Score 1) 129

The unfortunate side effect of that getting censored, is that if Australia does their homework, regardless of which company owned it at the time (which was the now defunct Acclaim), Australia will throw that in their face. It sucks, but is a reality that a simple line could be thrown out like this, "When Mortal Kombat was initially released for home consoles, it was censored for one console and all we ask is that you do that again since the censoring did not effect sales the first time".

Comment Re:Yes, I would (Score 1) 530

New evidence brought to light? That would make sense.

My point of these posts is that people assume there is some huge conspiracy to kill him, but as long as he keeps riding that, he will have followers and no matter what he does, even if it is rape, will try to free him.

Question: If you had a group of followers where no matter what you did, they thought you were innocent? I have personally been paranoid from my past and thought the government was out to get me. Yes, I agree that is it no coincidence that the leaks about people coming out to get him when he got in trouble this second time, but who did what first? Did Assange put out the leaks about this first, or wait until he got arrested first? Also, when the leaks were written, what is the date on that compared to when Assange got busted? Is it way earlier? Was Assange holding onto the leaks in case he got into a pinch and needed a way out?

Comment Re:Yes, I would (Score 1) 530

There is an entire book by a former employee of his that talks about him being crazy. When people even try to bring up this book, others immediately go into defense saying that the book is only out to discredit the dude. I have not completed the book yet, but from what I have read, yeah Assange is nuts. I mean, besides the book, come on sir, do a few google searches and it is easy to find. The dude is not right. Now, you are taking it very extreme like I am saying he immediately needs to be institutionalized, but that is not the case. I am crazy myself, and if you gave me a sense of power, I would probably be similar to Assange minus the rape. You see to be talking about "Hey is there evidence from a psychologist proving your statement?" Of course not. If I still crap my pants at the age of 30 and do nothing about it like it is normal, do you really need a full on psychic evaluation to see if I am not right in the head?

Comment Re:Yes, I would (Score 1, Informative) 530

I am sorry, but this is a very, very ignorant post dude. Yes, they had sex before, but she woke up to Assange having sex with her again another time. That right there, regardless of if it was protected or not is enough even in the US to prosecute on rape charges. As for hanging out afterwards, well, I take it you have never been raped and not been the unpopular person. See, I know from my sister, who was not very popular, that when you are raped, sometimes you are even scared to bring up charges. I mean, a person who is all over the news like Assange might scare a woman to not want to bring up charges right away.

We all know Assange is a crazy, twisted bastard. How do we know that this is some "magical" conspiracy and not him thinking he is so on top of the world that he can get away with whatever he wants? For all we know, in his twisted head, he has some sort of Michael Alig thing going on where he will do and say whatever and think he is above everything. I could really see Assange thinking that way.

No, people do not like him, but did you ever think, for just one second, that some of the people are actually correct is that he is just super crazy and messed up in the head? Maybe he thinks since he started WikiLeaks, that he is on top of the world and can treat people however he wants. He surely has a written track record for acting that way. There is a book written about it. You say, "No, the book is false and was written by a rat to discredit him." Maybe Assange is just crazy. So crazy that you can write a good selling book about him and working for him. Maybe he truly thinks it is cool to have sex with a girl while she is sleeping. "Oh no, having sex with a girl while she is sleeping is perfectly fine as long as she wakes up later on"

Also, if they hung out with him later on, maybe they knew nobody else, or maybe they were scared of running away. A dude like Assange, that would be scary. You get an opportunity to get away from him, and get as far away as possible, to say, Israel.

Also, you are not a police officer. I promise you that if this situation happened in America, they would still go through the entire process Assange is going through even if proven innocent. They still have to go to court, and many times, will be waiting in a cell while they await trial (because if it is true, they would be allowing a rapist to roam the streets before his court date).

Also, race has nothing to do with it, and when you bring that into play, that means you are stretching to prove this conspiracy theory.

As for the leaks, maybe they have had them for awhile, and to help Assange, they saved them until he got in trouble with anything. Speeding ticket? Well, people are out to get him. He has rape charges in Sweden. So if he is innocent, he will go to trial. Even before the leaks, he is big enough to where if anything besides just this trial happens, everybody knows about it. There is no way for him to just up and be taken away and phase away. He is too big, and he knows it and is playing off of that.

"Oh, I don't believe he would have raped 2 girls" How sure are you? The dude is crazy. It is documented that he is out of his gourd. He just "happens" to have hacking charges? Uh, don't brush those off. If I had hacking charges, that would be a big deal for me. When you are in the line of work of showing people possibly classified documents, hacking charges are big. I know it is somebody else who brought them up, not you, but I am combining posts here.

Here are my predictions of what really happened:
Assange had sex with the girls. One one to sleep, he thought "time to get some sloppy seconds" and went for it. She woke up while he was doing this and NOT using a condom. He knew he messed up doing it, so he fled to Britain. When they tried coming at him with the charges, he starts going crazy again saying that it is all some conspiracy to get him executed in the US. He has WikiLeaks push out the leaks they were holding onto saying people want to take him down to help his argument.

He raped a girl. Is it that hard to believe? When you have people that will back anything you say, and know you are crazy and don't care, you truly can do just about anything. If he gets a speeding ticket, he could blame it on some huge conspiracy to discredit him.

It is all a stunt to keep WikiLeaks out in the spotlight for him, and he knows it. The more outrageous claims he makes, the more he is in the spotlight. Maybe he should be in Sweden going to trial for the crime he truly committed, which was having unprotected sex with a girl when she did not want it. As for letting him finish when she woke up: that is rape for you. I promise you I have dealt with rape victims before and yes, many times they are frightened and allow them to finish. What if she started fighting him? There is no telling what he would have done. You have no idea and I have no idea.

Stop treating Assange like a f'ing saint when he isn't. If he goes to jail on rape charges, that does not mean that WikiLeaks will all of a sudden fade away and go down. Just like if Jobs died from Cancer, that does not mean that Apple will go bankrupt. He committed a crime whether you like it or not. This is all over headlines because he wants to walk away without being labeled a rapist. He thinks that if he starts saying the US is behind it, he can get away with rape. If anything beyond him doing time for rape charges happens, then I will listen to your crackpot conspiracy theories.

Comment Re:Obligatory (Score 1) 242

Just adding to what above poster is saying. If you truly want to use it, move your happy ass to a state that you can get it legally. There are a bunch now, and it is not that hard to get a card. Now you might ask, Well I found a doctor that helped me get a card, now where do I find it? In dispensaries, of course. After filling out paper work with one of these places (the good ones do it all electronically), you walk into a place that resembles a store and purchase what you want. Any normal dispensary I have dealt with in my state will have a wide range going from the bunk Downtown Brown (that is not the proper name, that is what I call it, the super cheap stuff). up through incredibly expensive strains. Every color of the rainbow. They also sell brownies, cookies, tea, bars (they are like a weird power bar/candy bar type deal). I mean, seriously. I don't understand why anybody would risk doing it without a card. Sure, you can still get fired from your job, but not as easily. I work for an organization that deals with government items (that is all I am saying to stay anonymous online), and I have been tested by them, also informed them of my card, and this place was fine with it since I had a card. Not every job will, but if you can do it legally, seriously, why would you ever risk doing it any other way?

Comment Re:Horrible Wii Release Now? (Score 1) 98

You guys are missing many things I have already put in. All games are currently available on WiiWare. This is just Super Mario All-Stars, and not the Super Mario All-Stars/Super Mario World release (since both are emulated, it would cost Nintendo the same amount to release either one). They chose to release the downgraded version of Super Mario All-Stars, and not release the best version, which is a cart that was Super Mario All-Stars and Super Mario World on the same cart. Remember, if you are emulating, the cost is free. By adding extras, I mean basically what they did on Super Mario All-Stars, do that again, but for the current generation. Either that or if you are releasing a game that is essentially just a rom, release the newest version of it, or the better version, which is the Super Mario All-Stars/Super Mario World version.

Now, one of the main reasons why the latest version was not put on the disc was because Super Mario World sells so well on WiiWare. So we got an inferior product from them because a chunk is a good seller. We got subpar results from this.

The extras for Mario 25th Anniversary were a soundtrack and a booklet. For $9.99 USD, I got Soldner X Limited Edition brand new from Play Asia a few months back brand new. For 9.99, I got more for my buck easily with that. You know what, both included about the same stuff.

Mario 25th anniversary is a horrible rehash that could have been done very well, but was just an older rom pushed out to make money.

Also, as for limited, after December, Nintendo said they were not doing the Mario 25th anniversary collection. Guess, what, they decided to reprint in March. Classic Nintendo "oh, we ran out, but we will print a small amount again" marketting.

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