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Comment Yet another possible explanation (Score 1) 397

More people that need a dating site to get laid use the iphone. This 'study' seems to only include OKCupid members. Dating site members are usually there for one reason, and it's not to "meet new people." What about iphone users that don't use dating sites?

Also, I have lots of sex with my wife, I'm not 30 yet, and I'm trying to convince her to bring some of her hot female friends in with us. No luck yet...

Oh yea, Motorola V750 Adventure. It's a stupidphone.

Comment Re:TrueCrypt? (Score 1) 467

From the truecrypt page (unsuccessfully) linked:
  "To the outer volume, (before creating the hidden volume within it) you should copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. These files will be there for anyone who would force you to hand over the password. You will reveal only the password for the outer volume, not for the hidden one. Files that really are sensitive will be stored on the hidden volume."

Comment Re:What this topic is missing is... (Score 1) 410

Yes there should be anger at Verizon, for sure.

Regarding the second part of your comment, you and a lot of others here seem to keep forgetting that for many people, it's not "Verizon vs Other ISP", it's "Internet vs No Internet." Or in my case, "Comcast vs Nobody."

Please, everyone, let's keep that in mind when you respond to others with "Just go to a different ISP." Also, don't reply with "well move to someplace where there is a choice," because that's just drastic. That's like telling Americans that can't find a job "Well, move to China, there's tons of jobs there!"


The Perfect Way To Slice a Pizza Screenshot-sm 282

iamapizza writes "New Scientist reports on the quest of two math boffins for the perfect way to slice a pizza. It's an interesting and in-depth article; 'The problem that bothered them was this. Suppose the harried waiter cuts the pizza off-center, but with all the edge-to-edge cuts crossing at a single point, and with the same angle between adjacent cuts. The off-center cuts mean the slices will not all be the same size, so if two people take turns to take neighboring slices, will they get equal shares by the time they have gone right round the pizza — and if not, who will get more?' This is useful, of course, if you're familiar with the concept of 'sharing' a pizza."

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