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Comment I need help (Score 1) 118

Wouldn't it be so awesome if Iran developed an Intercontinental Ballistic Nerf Missile?

One day the US gets an ICBM alert and they're going oh shit oh shit oh shit! Then it lands on the White House lawn and smashes a garden gnome or something. And then President Amjsnfsjfmed from Iran calls up Obama and tells him to look outside onto the front lawn, giggling, so Obama looks out, sees the nerf missile, replies with "ahhhhh you little terrorists!" with a big smile and maybe pointing a finger fonz-style.

Then we all live happily ever after.

Comment Re:Why didn't they... (Score 1) 73

I'm fairly sure that even the creepiest IRL girl isn't
a) dead
b) supernatural

So hiring sub-par creepy girls would break the suspense of disbelief that the game cultures. Going with cats is like a way of adknowledging that this is about as creepy as real-life gets, and people should instead buy FEAR2 to get their dose of argh's.

Comment Re:Hello from Meatspace! (Score 1) 352

Humans operate in a local environment and require themselves to go out of their way to view the global environment. Anything that doesn't affect the local environment is often ignored. It's perfectly natural and complaining about human nature won't do much.

If you're feeling particularly open minded, you could imagine EVE Online players wondering why the hell you don't care about this massive event.

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