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Comment Rotten (Score 1) 198

I think Oracle are jolly rotten. I wish the very best to the Illumos team the very best of luck, and the continuation of development.
This is pivotal, as ZFS is just spiffing although its license is less than optimal.
I'd join in if I could program in C.

Good day!

Comment DIE!! (Score 1) 973

Hey, by the title of this story on my news reader, it looked like the Earth was going to have a massive disaster, like that asteroid. I thought we were screwed. Instead, it's just about him saying we should get out more. Boooring.

Comment 6 cores (Score 1) 661

Well, I have 6 cores in my processor, and that's jolly nice. Means I can do make -j6 and game and virtualise. Isn't that nice?

Could y'all stop it with the penis jokes, I think you're all jolly immature. Now that's not so nice.

Incidentally, I appear to have turned into Ardal O'Hanlon. What do you think of that? Do ye like it? I hope ye do. 'Cos it's a lot of effort, y'know?

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In seeking the unattainable, simplicity only gets in the way. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
