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Comment What's a DNS server? (Score 5, Interesting) 129

I think you greatly overestimate the technological literacy of the average American. Most people aren't going to have a clue how to change their DNS servers, but even for those who do understand how to get around such restrictions, this is still disturbing. This is just a way for government to get its foot in the door. Soon, they'll be mandating to ISPs which DNS servers their clients are allowed to use, and what IP ranges are 'legal' to access on the internet. Maybe I should just take off the tinfoil hat and relax, but I can't see how government getting involved in legislating the internet in ANY way is a good thing.

Submission + - Wikipedia Edits Around the World (wikimedia.org)

billlava writes: "Wikipedia continues on its inexorable march toward becoming the repository for the world's knowledge — to the tune of four and a half edits a second. Just who is doing all these edits? And where do they live? Erik Zachte compiled data from a day in May 2011 into an interesting set of animations and maps to show update activity as it occurred during the day.

Comment FlashForward (Score 1) 602

FlashForward was a victim of piss poor planning by the network. They took like a 3-month hiatus, then put it up against tough competition (I think like American Idol or something) that already had strong viewership, and wondered why their numbers were down from before. It's a crying shame too, because FF was, in my opinion, the best show on TV, and its single season stands as the best scifi thriller series ever. Some of the episodes were really, REALLY good. I recently purchased the dvds as a gesture of my support for quality television and have been rewatching them for the third time.

Comment Re:Don't care... (Score 2, Insightful) 339

I agree with this. A Windows app store will help a lot of people, but if I can't install software manually, or by other traditional means, then I'll drop Windows too. I doubt they are this aloof, but MS might be greatly misreading their customer base if they think that people want a more iphone-like experience on their real computers.

Comment I also endorse PDAnet for Android (Score 1) 211

I've been using it since I got my Droid last year. It works great, it is frequently updated, and allows me to surf the web on an actual laptop while (riding) in a car on the freeway. I use it for everything short of gaming, and who knows, maybe it would even work for that! Best of all, Verizon still hasn't freaked out about data usage, and I go through a LOT in a month.

Comment Brigham Young University - Linux Friendly (Score 1) 835

To some extent. The wireless networks work and you can authenticate yourself as a student (required before getting access.) The networks even recognize you as using Linux and say so on the network authentication page. I haven't tried much with remote printing, etc... but I think it could probably work. The only Linux labs on campus that I know of are all in the CS building, but there are several of them with Fedora on the machines.

Comment Calmest place on earth = Calmest resort on earth! (Score 4, Funny) 231

Quick, before anyone else can, let's raise some venture capital and build a few resorts there.

The commercial practically writes itself!
Ridge A villas, your ticket to paradise on earth!*

*Ridge A Villas is not responsible for hypothermia, loss of limbs due to gangrene, or Abominable Snowman attacks. Any lawsuit filed against Ridge A Villas must be filed in Antarctica county district court jurisdiction within 90 hours of the incident.

Comment Zing! (Score 1) 420

I guess all those violent gangs in Venezuela are addicted to video games.

Venezuela is known as a breeding ground for video game cartels and illegal video game smugglers. Some of the games you get from there aren't even pure. I've even heard that they get young girls addicted to video games and then force them into prostitution just so they can keep playing GTA 4.

If only they could be a productive, viceless South American country, like Colombia.

Comment Linux Foundation announces partnership with McAfee (Score 2, Funny) 335

San Francisco, AP
In response to a sharp rise in popularity in 2014 (the year of the Linux desktop,) the Linux Foundation has announced that antivirus technology from McAffee will be built into all versions of the Linux kernel starting with v 2.6.45. When asked about this latest development, Linus Torvalds said, "I believe that adding 2,476,000 lines of antivirus code in order to protect Linux users is the most effective solution and can only benefit Linux users for years to come."

That'll be the day that hell freezes over.

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