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Comment cut amazon off completely (Score 0) 210

if they had any sense about them they'd pull all the digital content out of amazon and quit shipping to them and then run an advertising campaign saying their stuff is available everywhere except amazon. Amazon is not the be all and end all of online shopping and on their own they're nothing so they need to stick it to amazon and put them in their place.

Comment Android is a ghetto (Score 1) 711

The 1% at the top who are technically literate enough to make the most it truly want to believe the system works but for everyone is a mess. It's no wonder of all brands Android generally ranks worst in customer satisfaction which says a lot when win phone people are happier having a phone with no apps than those in the android ghetto.

Comment Re:Sanity check (Score 1) 197

How so? It doesn't meant everyone has a phone. Many people have multiple phones if only because they have a work one. Poor nations have been into mobiles for sometime due to a lack of landlines and it just being easier to deploy and not every nation gouges its customers like the US.

It's also why investors are kind dumb to keep expecting growth from mobiles. They are certainly in a state where it's far more realistic to expect them to maintain their position rather than grow especially with Android.

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