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Comment Solution: Energy from Thorium (LFTRs) (Score 3, Informative) 189

Whenever I see a new article on the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster,
I am reminded of the ADVANTAGES (better cost, safety, waste, political
implications, etc.) of Liquid Fluoride THORIUM Reactors (a.k.a. LFTR's,
already being developed around the world (in various phases of R&D, eg,
in China, India, Taiwan, & [privately] USA).

More people need to know about the opportunities of this -safer- green-
energy source, so they can decide for themselves whether it's time to
-push- for regulatory changes, that will -ease- the transition to Thorium,
in our time.

Introduction: Kirk Sorensen's recent TED-talk

More details: (search for
                                            "Thorium remix"
                                        and take your pick)

Comment Done for Uranium... Now, do it again Thorium LFTRs (Score 2) 599

With increased safety levels, Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (a.k.a. LFTRs) would have even better results.

Then, take another step: Consider the Cost-Effectiveness of LFTRs, from construction to safe storage of waste, per Mega-KWH of electricity produced.

Now, what's the best choice, out of these 3 alternatives...?

Comment Why Ras.Pi ... I've a [RockBox-compat.] MP3 player (Score 1) 273

Open Source "RockBox" ought to give folks a clue on
how to access the capabilities of a wide range of MP3-
players - from Apple iPod's to Sandisk Sansa Clip Zip's,
& lots more.

(Some have video functions, too, but I don't know how
much of these would be accessed / used by RockBox.)

Numerous model-specific user manuals & a 1st-class
web site make this Open Source project worthy of
emulation, as well as useful to -both- end-users and
experimenter / developers of innovative replacement
firmware for many models & various applications.

Have a look:

Comment This is a job for Ham Radio (voice & 9.6k AX.2 (Score 1) 111

Well, if the Kenwood TM-D700A is back on the air (ie, after -its- recent glitch),
Ham Radio could save the day, albeit only when there's another Ham operator
on the ground, in the coverage footprint to talk to & (hopefully) reliably relay
messages to / from NASA.

Ideally, the very-speed (9.6 Kb/Sec, AX.25 data mode) packet radio link
would let ISS forward its messages into the world-wide store-and-forward
network, as well as fetch any incoming messages.

(Of course, the same radio provides an unencrypted voice mode channel,
concurrently, with data mode traffic.)

PS If they do this, & find it works for them, it just might justify an upgrade
to Kenwood's current model - the TM-D710A - instead of completing the
repair of the older TM-D700A.

The newer radio can help put the ISS on the EchoLink voice network -
for which there's an Android app - as well as APRS for position reporting.

Comment AU: 'Honey & Syrup' contains 60% syrup... toda (Score 4, Interesting) 387

One of Australias' "Big 2" SuperMarket chains (ie, Coles) places Chinese-sourced "Honey & Syrup" in the middle of the rectangle of shelf-space otherwise occupied by honeys.

As "Honey" is listed first, in the product's name, I - for one - was once fooled into thinking that the product would -surely- have at least 50% honey in each plastic bottle of "Honey & Syrup," so I tracked down the Australian distributor & asked for details about the product.

(I should have generalised from what we - long ago - discovered about so-called 95 gram cans of "designer tunas" ...which turned out to contain from about 40% tuna up to slightly over 70%, depending on each can's "designer flavor.")

(The Australian importer's phone number was answered by an auto-parts company(!). Checking the phone number, it was then listed, in the phone catalog, as a car parts company.)

Assuming that the company was perhaps a rural-based operation, happy to convert some extra storage space into profits, I focused on the product's make-up, since the label did not specify the prevalence of either of the two named ingredients.

Verbally, the person at the cart parts company, who answered as importer & distributor of this product, told me that the product was 60% -syrup- & only 40% honey. As the label did not show these percentages, I couldn't help replying: "Today, maybe, but I'd almost expect the Chinese supplier to further reduce the percentage of honey it may mix in, in future, ie, to cut its cost.

Comment Aaron did NOT sound suicidal in his last (Score 1) 39

Someday, some new evidence will arise... of Aaron's murder - committed by someone or several, who share the "fire-in-the-eyes" of the senator, who Aaron met at a party (per his last video talk).

He said (in the same video), that he'd never -give- his Life for (any such issue), so I don't believe he would -take- his Life for this or any other issue.

Comment Air BnB should charge -big- for each such misusage (Score 1) 141

Fine the B*ast*ards!

1. Change the Terms & Conditions of Use to List VERY HIGH use charges
        for non-individual users, such as City of Amsterdam;
2. Track URL's of non-individual (eg, City of A..., etc.) users;
3. Collect stated fees!

If corporate or gov't users of Air BnB's web site can -save- big,
they can afford to -pay- big, for the privilege.

(Air BnB can even make the service Free for -others-
by charging & collecting huge fees from City of Amst.

Of course, all users need to be made well aware, that
their addresses could be tracked by City users, et al.

Those with nil to hide can continue as they do,
without worry. The others can find other ways
to advertise their services.


Comment Will it be easier to insall & find KhanAcademy (Score 1) 90

A 64GB PlayBook w/ S/W updated to 2.1 would play most or even all of the Creative Common licensed files comprising the available portions of, but it wasn't easy to find & go through a sequence of course files.

(There's a PlayBook-specific app for KA courses, but it sorted files of KA's courses rather poorly, IMO; at least it could play both Flash & MP4 format files just fine.)

I hope the BlackBerry 10 updated PlayBook can leave such course files where ever we decide to place them, ie, in order within their folders (eg, 1 course per folder), rather than separating MP4's from FLV's.

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