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Comment Re:How deep? (Score 1) 725

In the South we have our units of measure as well:

A piece - some distance
Yonder - over there a piece
Down there - somewhere
Up the way - over yonder a piece.
Boat load - a bunch of something
Shit load - a great bunch of something
Ass load - more than one shit load
Y'all - a group of people being addressed
All y'all - every one of you
Buncha - a group of something

Most of these are indeterminate as we here in the South really don't need to know or care for the exact amount.

Comment Re:How deep? (Score 2, Insightful) 725

Personally I'd be in favour of changing to all metric, but road signs are the major problem. Changing mph to kph and miles to kilometres across the whole country, then educating everyone about the change would be crazily hard.

Here in America, they tried that during the '70s and some in the '80s but it never caught on.

Just think, trying to change a whole nation like the US when just my state is about the same size as England (not UK). Talk about crazily hard.

Comment Re:rm -rf / (Score 1) 2362

In my fifteen years as a *NIX admin, I have only had three really "OH SHIT!" moments:

1) when I told a guy over the phone to 'rm -rf /bin' but unknowingly he was at "/". Oooops.

2) ssh'd into one box, then ssh'd back to the box I was on and ran 'shutdown -h now'. not-so-oooops.

3) took out a server while in some directory buried in /usr/ and did the same 'rm -rf /bin' thinking I was removing bin/. Doh!!!

I always run as root. Baaaaaad admin. Bad admin. Sorry guys. It makes one REALLY careful tho.

Comment Got what they wanted. (Score 1) 3709

Yep. Hollywood and the media got what they wanted.

In general, the American people will believe what they see and hear on the o'l boob tube. Just look at CNBC. I watch that all the time and mostly hear "gloom and doom". Mind you, things are not great, but when the masses hear and see what the media pushes, they react in kind.

Truly we are sheep.

Comment Re:Truth of the matter is... (Score 1) 1912

There's one other thing the President can do that can have far-reaching effects - the President gets to appoint replacements for the Supreme Court. (For example, if McCain were to somehow win, he could appoint more conservative judges, and they could then invalidate Roe v. Wade.)

Well said and quite true!

Comment Truth of the matter is... (Score 3, Insightful) 1912

Its not the President that is going to make the necessary change. Its Congress, American business, and the America people.

1. Congress makes the decisions on domestic policy and passes legislation. The President can sign or veto the proposed legislation, but congress can override that veto by a 2/3 majority

"After passage by both houses, a bill is submitted to the President. The President may choose to sign the bill, thereby making it law. The President may also choose to veto the bill, returning it to Congress with his objections. In such a case, the bill only becomes law if each house of Congress votes to override the veto with a two-thirds majority. []

So what good is the President on domestic policy when his decisions can be overridden?

2. Look at the current credit/economic crisis in America. Greed and overspending on the part of business and the populus. Short of the SEC and Fed making mistakes, 90% of that is due to non-governmental factors.

3. The President [at this time] has the obligation to preside over foreign policy matters and matters of national security. Thus, the next President must have a keen sense of foreign policy and diplomacy as we do live in a now "global" community.

In as far as either major candidate (yes, there are four others), I don't think any of them have the intelligence and experience to meet today's requirements.

Congress, That's where we need a change. They are the branch of Federal Government that is responsible for 90% of our domestic policy. Make the change there.

BTW, The House is majority Dems and the Senate, tho is 49/49 Rep/Dem, the remaining two seats have aligned themselves with the Dems, giving them de facto control.


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