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Submission + - NASA JPL forces users of new App to use Microsoft (

CarlosHawes writes: If you want to participate in JPL's latest "crowdsourcing" venture, helping review and catalog the flood of visual information coming from Mars, be sure that you are utilizing Microsoft SIlverlight first. The new site at promises to open up a whole world (literally) to the public, but if you are running a Microsoft Free box, you will immediately hit a roadblock. Story link:

Comment Re:as long as they archive it, there's no problem (Score 1) 407

Palin constantly unfairly smeared here. Remeber David Kernal (sp?) the UT student who got charged with hacking into her account, with the expressed purpose of finding proof of her having used her private account for official business? He sadly stated that he couldn't find any incriminating "secret" business that anyone would care about. He just found some family photos, everyday chit-chat and a few dicussions of moving around some things on her schedule. No plans to give special business favors to any company. No secret plans to build a Republican secret lair in a hollowed out volcano. Of course, now that I think of it, maybe those family photos contained secret microdots that included plans for the secret fleet of orbiting mind-control satellites built by Halliburton. Hmmmmm.

Comment Re:The constitution doesn't apply to non-citizens (Score 1) 979

Um, no... Look at (or sing) the the Preamble... We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Nothing at all in there about anywhere or anyone else.

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