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Comment Re:Long term Id fan here... (Score 1) 172

Meh... "silent story", to me, frequently means "blow lots of shit up first; we were too bored to make a story, so our fans will do that work for us". Not always, but frequently.

I tend to disagree. Some of the best games have no talking at all in them. Video game designers aren't that good at Hollywood scripts.

Dragon age : Origins + NO Hero talking = Awesome.
Dragon Age 2 + Hero who talks = Not as good as the original.
SurvivorZero + Shameless plug for a game that only 4 people will play (and 3 of which are the creators) = laaaame.

Comment Re:iPad (Score 1) 172

On the suicide note from your other troll post: the suicide rate at the Foxconn factories are less than the suicide rate at US universities.

Yeah, no nets to catch jumpers at US institutions. Or maybe it's because students at US institutions realize that there is no hope for them, since they weren't born wealthy, and the chinese aren't quite so dis-illusioned with their chances.

... or maybe paying someone for the privilege of wasting your time is more depressing than getting paid for it? No matter what, you're comparing apples to oranges... but nice try. You know there's a journal article being reported on that talks about fanbois taking criticism personally when people attack their company of choice?

Comment Re:iPad (Score 1) 172

You do realize that I said "version" and not "direct identical port" and that the AC is still wrong when he flat-out said "No" and that a "real computer" is required, because, in one form or another, Rage is available for iOS, right?

In the same way that the "full web browsing experience" is available on your iphone AND your computer... but only if your computer does NOT have flash installed.

wait, am I arguing with an AC? *doh!*

Comment Re:Spoiler, don't read this (Score 1) 79

I can tell a lot of work went into Borderlands, but I can't think of a game that was so well-made that I got tired of so quickly. Same thing over and over and over. No incentive at all to do the things you're supposed to do.

You're right, the hundreds of people who think it was an awesome mix of FPS and RPG are wrong, and your single, solitary idea is right. Even after YEARS of existence!

Comment Re:Volunteering is good... (Score 1) 229

so don't you dare try to bestow your enlightened point of view on the benighted natives

I'd suggest that the reason you don't want to share your information, is because they'll resent you for telling them how to run their operations, even if it is a better way - can you imagine some guy from china showing up in your office, telling you how to be more efficient, then taking off and saying "Thanks for everything!". It's rude, and it's offensive. It doesn't make you wrong, it just makes everyone feel bad, and realistically your suggestions aren't taken serious even if they're great.

Comment Re:Volunteering is good... (Score 1) 229

The tourist can't compete with $2 a day labor. Africans who have the money will hire an African. Going over to Africa and volunteering your time that way is an inefficient use resources but does not harm the local economy. You are building projects that would never have been created without your resources instead of competing with the local labor market.

Great argument! ... if you're going over there to do volunteer work for Africans who have money.

Comment Re:John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (Score 1) 315

So answer me this, which is worse, the anonymous jerk or the narcissist bully. Keep in mind the anonymous jerk will be annoying and the narcissist bully will use violence, threats and attempt to force group intimidation and ostracisation of individuals.

... Sure, in real life, you've got a point. But on the internet - the medium we're discussing - when the narcissist bully and his tool kit are rendered impotent and reduced to mildly annoying and ignorable jerks from the lack of anonymity ... you have absolutely no argument.

Unless you're worried about real-life bullies searching you out online ... at which point, I'd propose that it's not an internet problem, and solving your bullying problem by enabling thousands of annoying jerks to become anonymous annoying jerks is a poor tradeoff in everyone's books but yours.

Comment Re:John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (Score 1) 315

It was a truly awful idea. Females and minorities would get harassed to hell and back. Just look at what people did to that one poor Blizzard employee who posted his name. While anonymity may cause people to act more like jerks, it also makes it more difficult for the crazier people to take things to the next level.

... you do realize, that being white is minority status, right?

Comment Re:John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (Score 1) 315

That's a) a terribly sexist/racist comment, and b) completely misleading.

The entire purpose of the real-ID scheme was to discourage people from acting like jerks. Sure, there will be crazy people acting like jerks.. but there always have been, and always will be. Sticking your head in the sand and ignoring them is the wrong approach. It doesn't work in real life, in part, because we have accountability for our actions.

Comment Re:John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory (Score 1) 315

I wish there were a more worksafe (or pre-school safe?) term for it that captured it just as well (as opposed to "deindividualization"), because it's such a good point. If you (or your kids, or your parents) experience chat with people who are effectively anonymous, a significant portion of those people may act like jerks.

Blizzard tried to work around this, and require real names to participate on their forums. The GIFT of online interaction proved to be too strong - people revolted, and blizzard was "forced" to re-evaluate it's initiative.

Comment Re:Typical (Score 1) 73

It may surprise and shock you, but you can be against American style anti-sodomy laws, which outlaw consenting oral and anal sex between two heterosexual adult partners, but still support laws against sodomizing little boys. I know you find that strange, but it's true. Similarly, you can oppose a law that would restrict my freedom to participate in the Nielsen surveys and sell my viewing habits for cash, but not oppose a law that restricts my freedom to shoot people in the face. You see?

I see! So, just because you can, doesn't make it logically consistent. I *can* be anti-abortion but pro-womens rights ... just not at the exact same time. I get it! I'm allowed to hold contradictory viewpoints, and I'm allowed to hold opinions that aren't based in fact... I just can't be right at the same time!

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