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Comment Re:Bigger != Better (Score 1) 660

Don't know if you've already looked into it, but it sounds like the Razr Maxx might be the smartphone you're looking for. A 3300 mAh battery is packed into that thing making it chunky compared to the other sliver phones out there, but in reality still remains thin. Only downside I can tell is you're stuck with verizon as the carrier.

Comment Power to them (Score 5, Insightful) 606

More power to them. I don't know much in the area of finance and the like, but stories like this continue to give me the impression large financial institutions like to play fast and loose with other people's (read: little guy's) money. Too big to fail? More like too big to be allowed continued operation.

Submission + - Not a Dwarf: Is Pluto a Binary Planet? (

astroengine writes: "If the Pluto-Charon system were viewed in a similar way to binary stars and binary asteroids, Pluto would become a Pluto-Charon binary planet. After all, Charon is 12% the mass of Pluto, causing the duo to orbit a barycenter that is located above Pluto's surface. Sadly, in the IAU's haste to define what a planet is in 2006, they missed a golden opportunity to define the planetary binary. Interestingly, if Pluto was a binary planet, last week's discovery of a fifth Plutonian moon would have in fact been the binary's fourth moon to be discovered by Hubble — under the binary definition, Charon wouldn't be classified as a moon at all."

Submission + - Entangled Histories: Climate Science and Nuclear Weapons Research (

__aaqpaq9254 writes: Paul N. Edwards has a great paper about the links between nuclear weapons testing and climate science. From the abstract: "Tracing radioactive carbon as it cycles through the atmosphere, the oceans, and the biosphere has been crucial to understanding anthropogenic climate change. The earliest global climate models relied on numerical methods very similar to those developed by nuclear weapons designers for solving the fluid dynamics equations needed to analyze shock waves produced in nuclear explosions. The climatic consequences of nuclear war also represent a major historical intersection between climate science and nuclear affairs. Without the work done by nuclear weapons designers and testers, scientists would know much less than they now do about the atmosphere. In particular, this research has contributed enormously to knowledge about both carbon dioxide, which raises Earth’s temperature, and aerosols, which lower it." Great free paper at the Bulletin.

Submission + - How the inventors of Dragon speech recogniton technology lost everything. ( 5

cjsm writes: James and Janet Baker were the inventors of Dragon Systems speech recogintion software, and after years of work, they created a multimillion dollar company. At the height of the tech boom, with investment offers rolling in, they turned to Goldman Sachs for financial advice. For a five million dollar fee, Goldman hooked them up with Lernout & Hauspie, the Belgium speech recognition company. After consultations with Goldman Sachs, the Bakers traded their company for $580 million in Lernout & Hauspie stock. But it turned out Lernout & Hauspie was involved in cooking their books and went bankrupt. Dragon was sold in a bankruptcy auction to Scansoft, and the Bakers lost everything. Goldman and Sachs itself had decided against investing in Lernout & Hauspie two years previous to this because they were lying about their Asian sales. The Bakers are suing for one billions dollars.

Comment Re:Doesn't match what I'm seeing (Score 1) 400

I had to chuckle at this. I've noticed the same thing day to day. Android users tend to pal it up with other android users and likewise with iphones. But there aren't any strict divides. And then I have a sister who's the token blackberry user. She loves her torch and wouldn't trade it for the world. I get a kick outta teasing her about RIM going in the shitter and her having to retire her phone eventually.

Oddly enough, I don't know any windows phone users...

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