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Comment Re:One more bullet on proprietary drivers (Score 1) 946

In order to sign it, you would also have to distribute it. Each distribution vendor would have their own signing keys and thus a distro-specific nvidia driver package would be needed. NVIDIA doesn't give vendors permission to distribute their binary blobs but requires users to elect to download and install them (so they can agree to te EULA when they fetch them). And they also don't want the overhead of having to build 100 packages of each driver release for each distribution flavor-of-the-month (and who could blame them for that..). Besides this overhead, it would also require NVIDIA to have the PRIVATE signing key for all those distribution vendors and they sure as hell won't agree to that.

Comment Re:How to (not) get people to use your OS... (Score 4, Informative) 946

OS X's kernel is Mach, not BSD. It's had BSD api and userland tacked on to it but it's actually Mach. It's so altered though that it doesn't really count as either but instead something new and on it's own. Android at it's core is still a linux kernel and not some mutant derivative but actual linux with linux API driving the OS services that drive the jvm that drive the apps you know.

Comment Re:well, (Score 3) 170

I wonder what would happen if *everyone* refuses to go through the scanners or be patted down. See, people only have as much power over you as you let them have. The problem is that the majority of people let them have this power without a second thought

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 1) 144

What version of KDE is that? And on what distro? This is very different from what I see in kde 4.8.5 where wallpaper is always stretched across both monitors (and looks horrible in the process), the taskbar and panels are across both etc as well. It essentially becomes one big desktop with a deadzone around the smaller monitor. If I maximize a window it'll go across both monitors including the dead zone which is of course 99/100 times not what is wanted

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 2) 144

It's not that the monitor isn't detected and used by default, it's that it forgets the setting you specified the last time you had that monitor plugged in. Further more, the 'Multiple Display' setting item always says it doesn't detect that you are using multiple displays, even when they are listed in the monitor arrangement window. KDM also sometimes shows it's login window half on one monitor half on the other.

Also also, if your monitors arent' the same size, a small window that appears on the smaller monitor can be off the screen because the virtual desktop is rectangular and you have no way of moving it apart from the right click menu on the toolbar - not the end of the world but very annoying all the same, just as all these quirks are

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 2) 144

I know your pain, I feel it too when moving my laptop around between meetings and my desk frequently. Can't use Gnome any more, fluxbox is of course awesome but sometimes a little too minimal. KDE is great, except for this multi-monitor config issue. Sorry someone modded this 'flamebait' (seriously?)

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