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Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 778

Next time, you ough to read the links (especially the bugzilla-link) before writing wrong information.
"Plugins can no longer be enabled/disabled using addons like QuickJava or FlashDisable"
This only affects the Java-plugin, not the option of disabling or enabling JavaScript, which can be done in about:config, or addons which function as GUIs for it, by toggling javascript.enabled.

Comment Re:interesting... (Score 2) 176

"It is exactly the same as Windows 7 in same time after launch." This would be a valid comparison, if Windows 7 had been sold for 30 bucks in the first two months, too. But it wasn't. It was sold at full price, except for a very short (a couple of hours), very limited sale (couple thousand licenses) on Amazon, I think.

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