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Comment Re:what's the difference? (Score 1) 258

One was sanctioned by the Federal Reserve, the other was not.

And much like the mafia, the Federal Reserve does not take it lightly if you invade their territory.

The sad thing is that you were modded troll...apparently by someone that isn't interested in contemplating why a country that has a printing press and a sovereign right to print money ends up trillions in debt.

Comment Re:That's Not How It Works (Score 1) 276

This new "identity ecosystem" protects your privacy...tee hee
Credentials share only the amount of personal information necessary for the transaction...hahaha
You control what personal information is released...lolololol
and can ensure that your data is not centralized among service providers...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The identity ecosystem is voluntary (FOR NOW)...lolhahalolhahalol!!1!

From the article:

People and institutions could have more trust online because all participating service providers will have agreed to consistent standards for identification, authentication, security, and privacy.

I think I just passed out. I mean seriously, when does this stuff ever stop where it is supposed to? How long will it be before there are websites (govt, banking) that will REQUIRE this for you to participate...all for your "protection" I'm sure. I guess I am just getting jaded in my old age.

Comment Re:Removed (Score 1) 144

You may not have to do anything if you are on Windows 7. I had to do this manually for firefox. But after getting an OS update yesterday now when I go into IE I don't see Comodo listed as trusted, and I do see several listings under "untrusted publishers" for login.yahoo.com, mail.google.com, and a couple that were issued to MS and another for www.google.com all listed as "untrusted".

and for the mortals out there I checked this by going to Tools-->Internet Options-->Content-->Certificates-->Untrusted Publishers

Which you will probably find easier than using the mmc to do the same thing.

Can anyone else on W7 confirm/deny this?

Comment Re:Primary Source (Score 4, Insightful) 588

Well, I don't know if you read the article or not, but I did. I assume you are basing your response partly on this:

The boy wonder, who taught himself calculus, algebra, geometry and trigonometry in a week, is now tutoring fellow college classmates after hours.

I would take that with a grain of salt. He obviously has something akin to a photographic memory. FTA:

By the age of three he was solving 5,000-piece puzzles and he even studied a state road map, reciting every highway and license plate prefix from memory.

So a more likely explanation is that he ran through the books very fast because he only needs to read it once to memorize it. I would agree with your point that memorizing facts does not automatically mean you know when to apply them.

But I think they are holding him accountable as evidenced by him attending lectures and providing tutoring services. If he is given the information about the mistakes and discoveries so far there is no reason to believe he can't assimilate it and push it further. He will need to learn scientific rigor, sure, but he is already on his way if the article is accurate when it reports that he seeks out the professors after class to ask questions...what else can he do at this point?

I guess what I am trying to say is your response reeks of "sour grapes" :) I too wish I had a photographic memory. Although my hypnotherapist has helped me greatly in remembering names

Comment Re:Yeah... (Score 1) 283

Agreed. I have a Naga, and while I have no idea if it is faster/more accurate than other mice I can say having the extra buttons on the side makes a difference. I can hit them with my thumb and they correspond to the number keys. I play WOW and my dps went up about 10-12% by utilizing these buttons. I never have to look at my keyboard now and can dedicate my left hand for continuous movement and my right for aiming/attacking/special moves.

I haven't really found any other games that it is useful, but I would think it would be good in shooters as well.

Comment Re:Mama don't..... (Score 5, Insightful) 732

It is not completely ridiculous.

While investment banks and the like do make important contributions, their industry just recently had a negative effect on the WORLD economy due to their shady practices. Then when it hit the fan, they used their influence to socialize the risk/losses while still keeping the profits. So the taxpayers lose, and they still win, even when it was their poor decisions that caused the mess.

Some would say that because of the above, any benefit they provide comes at too steep a cost. I certainly understand that not all participants in the finance industry should be painted with this same brush. But none of this has to do with "communistic ideals". And you don't have to find money distasteful to find it distasteful when taxpayers are footing the bill for the mistakes of others.

I'm not saying that I agree with the article (I haven't read it yet). But I would hope that it is not that hard to understand why the finance industry is not very popular...when you put everyone on the planet at risk, that is the kind of blowback you can expect.

Comment Re:yes but... (Score 2) 1251

Or it will be eventually filed under "unintended consequences" if it does pass and as a result ALL belief systems (even those the creationist/christians don't like) get to expound on their theories on how the universe came to be. I'm just noting that sometimes these things are not thought all the way through, if you can imagine such a thing. People that get all hot and bothered about this sort of thing don't always stop and ponder, how could this be used against me?

Comment Re:somene please help me (Score 1) 493

The erosion of rights rarely happens all at once, so it is difficult to pinpoint a "tipping point". The slow erosion allows it to happen virtually unnoticed. It's like when you get your brake pads replaced in your car and the next time you use the brakes you almost leave your seat because they work so much better...it is only at that moment that you realize just how bad the old ones were...but if you don't replace them you may not realize how bad it is until you wreck, and then you have much more immediate concerns.

Whether you view it as progress or not, our "rights" in the US bear little resemblance to what they once were.

Comment Re:Dumb kids (Score 1) 203

People have already used codes to buy games, according to some of the posts on the forum the story links to.

I don't know the law, but I think there may be something in this that would put you afoul of the law. There is probably a limit to the number of codes you can redeem within the context of the giveaway or whatever. Some forum posts claim as high as several thousand points redeemed.

And MS is losing money if someone uses an improper means to get the codes and then spends the points on games. Those are sales lost as the person would normally use real money to buy the points to get the game. The codes were for only 160 points. But if you redeem a thousand of them...

Comment Re:Unlikely, but, whatever, everybody has an opini (Score 1) 95

I would agree that this is not relevant for the hard core gaming market. But most of the growth (percentage wise at least) is going to be in the casual gaming market, and there the browser can, and probably should rule.

As games like CoD move away from hard core at least towards casual, it will be interesting to see if it ever does make it to the browser. I suspect by the time it does the hard core crowd will have moved on to something else.

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