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Submission + - Internet Access is a Human Right, UN Report Says (discovermagazine.com)

purkinje writes: Disconnecting people from the internet is a violation of human rights and is against international law, says a UN report released yesterday. The report comes just after several governments in the Middle East restricted internet access during unrest there, and a year after France and the UK passed three-strikes laws to disconnect users illegally sharing files. People have a right to both dimensions of internet access, the report says: unfettered access to content and the technology and infrastructure needed to get online in the first place.

Comment Re:Kevin Bacon has played many roles in his career (Score 1) 226

Not all of us can be reduced to what's between our legs! Also, she was absolutely terrible in the X-Men movies that she was in and I also hated her acting in Die Another Day. I'd rather have a competent actress than one that is pretty!
(For all the morons: That's *my* *personal* opinion and I don't care if you disagree or what awards she has won or not!)

Submission + - DC Reboots Universe? (comicbookresources.com)

VirginMary writes: DC announced it will restart 52 titles at #1. Also characters are going to be younger, some may be missing and relationships are being changed. Grant Morrison to pen a new Superman title.

Submission + - UK Skylon spaceplane passes key review (bbc.co.uk)

VirginMary writes: "A space plane that switches from using an air/hydrogen mixture to an on-board-oxygen/hydrogen mixture gets support from ESA experts. This concept/engine has been in development for 30 years and appears to be close to the production of a ground demonstrator."

Comment Re:Humanity's single greatest embarrassment... (Score 1) 145

Humanity's single greatest embarrassment is their complete incompetence at self-governance.

And here I thought it was religion, given the fact that the majority of mankind believes in an imaginary all-powerful entity that cares what they do and then bothers to punish or reward them based on whether they follow different sets of rules based on which particular flavour of superstition a given individual subscribes to.

Comment Re:Ah, yes, the US retirement scams (Score 1) 182

Even at $2500 a month, you're not going to have your entire retirement funded in a handful of years, which is what the AC alleged.

Yes, but that's $90k in just 3 years. Certainly nothing to sneeze at! Now imagine investing that in mutual funds and bonds for 15 years and it already helps in a noticeable way.

Still, I do agree with you. I think it takes about 20-30 years of saving to have a fairly financially sound retirement investment. Personally I feel that I owe myself that! I also think that it is dangerous to stand on just one leg. For example, as a hedge against inflation ,and a storage facility for my huge comic book collection, I put down 20% on a condo last year. Short term that is a nuisance, but, I feel that over 10 years things look pretty good. Even if I'll only break even it is nice to know that if there is a lot of inflation, I will at least have some property that will retain some value. And that's just one of 3 legs that I stand on for my retirement strategy. Ok, maybe I feel a bit cocky when I compare myself to the average person with my level of income. I can see myself being a real jackass when I am retired. Fortunately I also have compassion for others and can suppress the the urge to rub it in. ;)

I work with some highly intelligent young people sharing my office space. I was really impressed that some of them, who are only in their mid to late twenties, have already started saving and investing for their retirement. I wish I would have done that at that age. I bet I could have looked at retiring at 55 to 57 instead of 62. Smart kids!

Comment Re:Ah, yes, the US retirement scams (Score 1) 182

What a bunch of bull! A few years ago I made $112k/year and put away $2500/month pre-tax consistently for 3 years in a row! If I couldn't have done that, I would have put away $1600/month after tax! I don't feel any sympathy for people that make as much as I did or even more. They can easily put away significant amounts of money and live extremely well when they retire. Since I turned 40 I have been saving money even when I was making significantly less than $100k/year, which was most of my live and is true currently. If you don't save at least 10% of your monthly income you're a fool! Who wants to never be able to retire and/or have to worry about money when you're old? My attitude is that if you can't save 10% you're clearly living beyond your means! And that's true just as much on $40k/year as on $1mil/year. That's why I will continue to enjoy the life style I am used to when I retire at age 62 and I will move to Hawaii to boot. Even if there is a huge unexpected disaster that throws a wrench into my plans I will still be way better off than most others with the same income because most of them are idiots that spend nearly every penny that they make! And yes, I am having plenty of fun right now!

Comment Re:They get paid ~75 cents per home. (Score 1) 346

I might be in the minority, but I do want a la carte TV channels. In fact they'd be getting infinitely more money from me that way as the only show I care to watch that's not available OTA is on HBO. That show is not worth $70 a month that Comcast would charge me, so no dice, but if I could get that one channel or show I'd gladly pay $10 or so a month for it.

Seconded! I don't pay for cable and don't watch OTA TV broadcasts either. I either watch DVDs or blu-ray discs or stream video over the 'net. If there was an à la carte service, there is the distinct possibility that I might pay for a cable channel or two. But, unlike you, I would not be willing to pay more than $5 per channel and even that seems high, given the other options that I have. Also, typically I would only watch a show or two per channel and at $5, that's $60 per year. Likely enough to buy whatever shows on DVD or even blu-ray. And yes, I *can* wait! Of course, if I paid for a channel or two, I'd be griping that their still in the stone age when I have to either record a show or watch it when it is on rather than streaming it whenever I feel like watching it. ;) I am certain that I would not pay $10 per channel. I pay $5 per month to stream animé in 720p w/o commercials. And the selection is quite large. Frequently I get episodes one week after they're released in Japan, w/ good subtitles. (I hate dubbed animé.) Btw., the streaming video looks awesome on my 46" TV. I have no idea why anyone would pay for cable! I also use Hulu. And gasp, I spend far more time reading than watching the boob tube! Let's say you have kids, then it is probably a good idea not to have TV available 24/7 anyway and, with the money you save, you can buy DVDs for them with material that you approve of.

Comment Re:I expect no less (Score 1) 343

Now you're just being silly! Why should any organisation support this bigotry? Do you allow everybody to say anything they like when they're in your home? I can think of things being said that would lead to me throwing someone out. I don't know what Apple's motivation was for taking down this app. I tried to do my small part for that by signing a petition. Also, it is pretty clear that this message can seriously hurt some young gay people! Assuming you're straight, like I am, how would you like a message from society that that way you are naturally is wrong and you need to change even though that's pretty much impossible? And then considering that gays are a small minority and that there is still a lot of intolerance from assholes towards them almost everywhere in American society, I don't think you realise what kind of emotional damage this might do. The mere existence/availability of such an app can also lead to parents or other authority figures in a gay persons life to be mislead and to put pressure on a young gay person to "change". And yes, I don't think that all speech is created equal. That is why in many modern Western democracies, including my own country, racist messages, for example, are not part of protected speech. And I for my part support that! Of course you also have limitations on your free speech. I don't think you can call openly for the assassination of your president, for example. You probably also cannot call for the violent overthrow of your government etc. There is no unrestricted free speech in any democracy on this planet. Of course I acknowledge that that in itself is not necessarily an argument for or against. That really depends on your philosophy.

Comment Re:Why would any true geek text a donation? (Score 1) 235

I said normally. You and your friends are not the typical apple buyers. Go into a nearby apple store and see for yourself.

Geeks are a small subset in general so you would be hard pressed to notice that subset. I work at a university and here there are tons of geeks, including computer geeks that seem to prefer Apple hardware. Of course I have no actual statistics. Still, I wonder what other laptops, for example, that have excellent support for all the hardware, very good build quality and fantastic battery life running some kind of UNIX-like operating system are out there? As far as "typical" Apple buyers, I'd imagine that they are not poor people. Actually, I have never been in an Apple store. I always buy online. I am a bit antisocial and also prefer hanging out with "my kind", in other words, other geeks.

Comment Re:Why would any true geek text a donation? (Score 1) 235

Apple buyers are normally not geeks.

You sir, are entirely wrong! Of our 4 software developers here, 3 are Apple buyers. I'd like to point out that we develop a Java application that needs to run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS and we all have the choice of what we pick and even at work, 3 of us picked Apple computers. I have plenty of geek creds myself, with a Ph.D. in physics, being a computer programmer, avid comic book collector etc. I love Linux but still prefer a MacBook Pro because I think of it as the highest quality laptop running UNIX. I am primarily a command-line user and I support a couple of dozen Ubuntu users on the side. Most of our graduate students here have Apple laptops and these are people in bioinformatics, hardly what I wouldn't call geeks. OTOH, I would never touch anything from Microsoft. I always say "I will use any OS as long as it is UNIX!". I am not opposed to Android and wish it the best of luck and am quite open to try it at some time in the future. When Honeycomb or one of its successors is as stable and performant as iOS and when there is a similarly priced Android tablet with the same of better quality build and screen as the then current iPad, I would be happy to give it a try. It is just my subjective perception that this is not the case as of yet. My biggest gripe with the iPad is the lack of an SD card slot. A command-line prompt would be nice to play around with but is really not all that useful. I am also baffled why apps for Android are being developed with Java instead of a natively compiled language like C++ (I know there is a much smaller pool of competent C++ programmers than Java programmers etc.) when we're already dealing with with a low processing-power platform. I guess I am still hoping for a decent Ubuntu tablet environment, fully realising that this is probably a pipe dream. I wouldn't even have a tablet if I didn't spend 1.5 hours a day on a bus. But for riding a bus a tablet computer is about 100x more useful than a laptop!

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