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Comment Re:not a question (Score 1) 240

Administrators new to the Unix hierarchy.

It took me a while to get used to it, and it made me realize that a package manager is almost essential. That is, until I learn Bash scripting so I can quickly delete certain files of certain hierarchies.

Overall it's no better or worse than other ways. Just different.

Comment Re:Capitalism vs. Communism (Score 1) 176

If everyone was completely altruistic, would everyone be dead unless there were sufficient resources for all?

Let's say there's a water shortage. Every single person would take the most equal amount of water or refuse water to give the whole a larger portion of water. Thus eventually the population will quell itself by denying necessities until the population is small enough for everyone to get the necessary amount of water.

Comment Re:Apple OS != Linux? (Score 1) 596

Nobody ever has it configured, and our computers at school have been there for more than quite some time.

The only two- or three-button functionality I have seen was on Macbooks with their multitouch functionality pads. They're quite nice, I must admit.

And I do know about option click, but I can't look at porn that way!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Bastardizing the English Language is for... 1

Bastardizing the English Language is for Dummies, Idiots, Terrorists, and Cannibals

There are many people that think that text speak, abbreviating, and simplifying English bastardizes it. They are mostly English professors, teachers, and people anal retentive on grammatical conventions. Well, I would like to be the first one that will say they are absolutely correct! But first, a definition of bastardization.

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