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Comment Re:Probably adults too. (Score 1, Insightful) 334

Your brain needs relaxation too - TV's no different than reading a book or any other mostly passive activity.


TV is the product of decades of study to find ways to keep you watching, indefinitely if possible. It is the junk food of entertainments -- highly engineered to push every available button that will keep you consuming, with zero regard for the impact of that consumption on the consumers health or well being.

How is it "relaxing" to be assailed by an endless stream of manipulative messages designed to stimulate all manner of consumption, often by promoting various anxieties?

Comment Re:I'm fine... (Score 2, Insightful) 334

Too many people simply surrender control to the almighty state. It's baffling.

Why is it baffling? These are the same people who can't drag themselves or their children away from the almighty TV.

Why should children and the society that they will inhabit suffer because their parents are too incompetent to set limits? Anti-government paranoia uber-alles?

Comment Re:Quality control issues (Score 2) 184

The important bit is that workers are striking not because they are against stricter quality, but because tighter quality checks meant they must work harder to produce iPhone components presumably at the same rate as earlier models.

And what better way to increase quality than to squeeze more productivity out of workers?

Comment Re:1 billion users (Score 2) 113

Would it make you feel worse if the number was a "mere" 250m? Or 100m?

I am currently ignoring 2 different accounts, FWIW. Facebook keeps sending notifications of various uninteresting types to both, I assume that they are both considered "active".

I joined with a buch of real life friends years ago, and it appears that about 1 in 10 ever post anything on a regular basis.


Comment Re:And again (Score 1) 472

It never ceases to amaze me how many people rush out to purchase a new product with both unreviewed hardware and software and then get upset that there are flaws.

Do you not yet understand that the price for showing off your elite toy is that you are a paying beta tester?

That might cut it for software that can be patched or some truly cutting edge piece of gear.

For the latest of several versions of a mass market consumer product that is being manufactured and sold by the millions? Hell no. I don't and never will own an iPhone, but I don't think buyers should be scolded for expecting the iPhone5 to be beta tested by Apple.

Comment Re:Umm, I don't get it (Score 1) 747

The situation is a win-win for the Obama administration, who can now appear to be punishing the man whose film sparked protests and riots around the world.

This is outrageously ridiculous. Why would it be a "win-win" for the Obama administration to appear to be punishing someone for exercising his First Amendment right to free speech?

Because the people who want this guy punished don't give a fig about the reasons, or pretext as the case may be (though it isn't). They have enough distance to see through the self-righteous bleating about "freedom of speech" from Americans. Many of the live in countries where making a video critical of America may put you in the crosshairs of a American drone, possibly being actively controlled from American soil.

At the same time, this guy has availed himself to punishment for something other than is speech at a very convenient time for the current Administration.

Win (he is jail) Win (legitimately).

Comment Re:Somewhere, Google is Smiling (Score 1) 451

Which is exactly why Apple chose to invest in their own map data and software: they could not come to an acceptable agreement with their direct competitor to allow them to offer this feature. Apple made the right decision.

That is a good reason to invest in their own solution. However, switching to their own solution before it was competitive was not the right decision. The right decision would have been to invest in customer satisfaction by doing what it would have taken to come to an interim agreement with the map solution that sets the standard for acceptable performance.

Isn't that what Apple is supposed to be about? Sterling user experience?

In a year, when (if) they catch up, they will still have no credibility WRT the supposed rationale behind their elevated prices.

"I paid extra for this IThing and they can't use some of that money to deliver best of breed features?"

Comment Re:Netcraft confirms Kickstarter is dead? (Score 1) 157

So basically, what this new rule says is that if you don't already have a working prototype, don't bother to use Kickstarter. Otherwise, you'll have nothing visual that you would be allowed to show, and nobody will take an interest in your project. The whole purpose of mock-ups and other things is to help people quickly see the potential of your idea. Without that, the amount of effort required to sort the wheat from the chaff is excessive, and most people won't bother to donate to anything.

ASCII Art. Problem solved.

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