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Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 216

They certainly had access to the tools available at the time. It's not like they were stuck there with an abacus, a quill, and candlelight.

The simple fact is that if you don't have a laptop or at least an iPad or something, you're at a serious disadvantage. Doing research on a phone is possible, yes, but it's a gigantic pain in the ass. Yes, you can write a paper on your smartphone, but it'll be frustrating and take longer. It's a shame that some people's attainment will be hobbled not by their motivation or ability, but by their lack of money to afford technology.

Fortunately there are super-cheap Chromebooks and such now that will get the job done.

Comment Shocked? (Score 1) 111

They were shocked? Must not have listened to or read the Q1 earnings call.

"In terms of our overall 2018 revenue outlook, we continue to anticipate revenue growth rates will decelerate on a constant currency basis throughout the year."

And one of the questions asked included this tidbit: "Growth in MAUs in rest of world was up about 11%; I think last year, it was up almost double that, 19% or so. Anything changed there that maybe could explain the slowdown?"

Q1 Earnings Transcript:

There's a difference between being misled and not bothering to pay attention.

Comment Re:Its about software not the OS (Score 1) 325

Can you tell me how I can get my company to accept and follow policies that were only discussed via instant messages and never actually typed up into a formal document? "We had a video chat about it" isn't going to fly when the auditors come knocking. "Oh we skyped and concluded that there was no bias in the model, but we have no documentation" seems unlikely to be a satisfactory answer.

Your idiotic suggestion doesn't really scale past a handful of people.

Comment Re:So actually no value then (Score 5, Insightful) 414

Actually the article makes clear that this source is particularly good because it makes a serious effort to vet articles and weed out the ones that are just pushing a company's agenda.

The administration really has no good argument for getting rid of it. The budget problem is entirely self-inflicted. Claims that it is politicized aren't particularly convincing considering that people who wound up in the Trump administration are the ones who tried to politicize it in the first place.

Comment Re:How do you know it's more expensive? (Score 1) 352

It's more complicated than that. They have to fund pensions for current employees based on life expectancy. They have to estimate liabilities over a 75 year period, and that does include people who don't currently work there. So USPS has a a future liability that does include people who aren't even born yet, but they're not required to actually come up with the money yet.

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