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Comment it's simple (Score 4, Insightful) 511

Outsiders don't care about the differences in the movie/show, they just see that the fans are all the same. Just like people who aren't hippies don't see any difference between the Grateful Dead and Phish, or people that aren't Christians don't care too much about the difference between Protestantism and Catholicism, or Shiites vs. Sunnis, or Republicans vs. Democrats, or furries vs. panty sniffers (oh crap did I go too far?)

Comment Re:Did South-Africa ... (Score 3, Informative) 351

Two sources for the quote are ynet and Haaretz. The NYT passed it along too. The BBC reported on documents obtained by Gisha from the Israeli government detailing the blockade and containing estimates of the calories required by Gazans to stay alive.

It took five minutes to Google this up. Open your eyes and see that what has been happening for decades now is real and not just some "narrative." Of course, I'm sure you can cook up some explanation of why it's a military necessity to prevent food from entering Gaza.

Comment Re:Did South-Africa ... (Score 3, Insightful) 351

Are you seriously suggesting that refusing to deal with people on a voluntary basis is somehow equivalent to blockading them, denying the importation of food after calculating the absolute minimum calories required to prevent mass deaths and joking about how it's "like a visit to the dietician, the Palestinians will get a lot thinner but won't die," destroying their capacity to make food by destroying chicken farms and flour mills, destroying sewage treatment pond retaining walls so they spoil farmland, destroying their electrical plants then denying the importation of parts to repair them, destroying thousands of homes and refusing to allow them to rebuilt by forbidding the importation of building materials, and denying the export of what little they do produce so they can't have any economy?


US and UK Zombies Demand Top Dollar 62

coondoggie writes "Denizens of the malware underworld who sell access to compromised computers do so at varying rates depending on where the machines are located, researchers told the Usenix Security Symposium this week. The researchers followed what they called the pay-per-install (PPI) industry, which obtains infected machines from which malware can be launched and sells access to these machines to parties looking for someplace to execute malicious code. Sometimes the PPI sellers hire middlemen to supply the compromised machines, and the PPI dealer retails them."

Comment It's all about the software. (Score 1) 81

Apple has proven that it is all about the software. They are killing with shiny but unremarkable hardware. They got killed on the desktop because of software, too. Apple ][ market perception was for games and schools but not business and the race was nearly over by the time the Mac came out, which also didn't look like a serious business machine. This time around, nobody is saying they have to have a Blackberry phone/pad because that's what they use at work.

Comment juno site sucks (Score 2) 164

The juno mission web site is a gigantic, slothlike, steaming pile of crap. It takes forever to load, plays music, makes your computer get hot which causes the fans to crank up, forces you to read agonizingly slow text that fades in, etc... I couldn't even find what I was looking for so I just closed the tab. What a huge waste of money.

Comment Re:in other news (Score 1) 674

My point still stands that most people just want something to play movies in surround, and maybe some music, and don't want to pay too much. That's why most of the audio gear sold is inexpensive, has lots of features, and has very little money put into the sound quality. Exactly the same reason why most wine sold is inexpensive, has a nice bottle and label, and has very little money put into the juice.

Comment in other news (Score 3, Insightful) 674

Most people buy wine to catch a buzz and are primarily concerned that the product contains sufficient alcohol and isn't totally repulsive. Some people can, or think they can, taste a difference and will pay more. Some people are concerned with impressing their guests and buy expensive stuff with a famous label whether it tastes better or not.

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