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Comment Re:Attention (Score 1) 414

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to PROVE that your consumer electronics will not interfere with the avionics. It is even more difficult to prove that the other 150 passengers' electronics will not do so, when they are all broadcasting different packets at different frequencies. Obviously, for an organization in charge of this sort of thing (FAA), the only easy choice is to say, "Do not use wireless transceivers during the most critical points of flight." No, breaking this rule doesn't bring down the craft. But guess how many on-board cell phones the plane is rated for? Zero.

Comment Re:Plausible deniability... (Score 1) 385

I have seen this tragic attitude on Native American reservations as well. The parents openly ridicule education and root for their children to fail, so that they will stay at home for their entire lives. It is a terrible cycle and is yet another contributing factor to the cultural suicide they seem intent on committing.

Comment Re:What about the wrongly accused? (Score 3) 110

Back in the Counter-strike heyday, my friend would commonly get banned from a server after a few rounds for cheating. All he had was surround-sound headphones and the fast-twitch accuracy of a Korean but I'd get banned by association. Being labelled a cheater doesn't prove guilt; why wouldn't they use VAC analysis rather than hearsay?

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