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Comment Re:what about a weird-arch linux? (Score 1) 227

Your imagination is weak! How about...

  • dog-eat-dog multi-tasking (who can grab the most resources, wins), with the kernel running in the outmost shell, being dominated by the apps
  • 9 bit “bytes”/chars, non- IEEE floating point with a structure that makes no fuckin sense at all, +INF and +0 being the same, but no -INF existing, overflow and underflow resulting in bitshifts, 27 bit words, with a fractal-reversion BIT (not byte) ordering that looks more like enryption than the same data,
  • pointers having 7 bits for the super-segment, 9 for the segment and 11 for the offset, starting from the top of the RAM for applications and the bottom for the kernel, but counting from the top end of the kernel space,
  • the kernel automatically trying to execute every segment (there are no separate data segments) loaded RAM as a separate task, in case it’s a program
  • A 7 bit address and data bus but a 144+1 bit CPU
  • Flippy (the chimp) — A kernel thread equivalent of Clippy, making weird assumptions “it looks like you are trying to corrupt your hard disk...”, but normally just flipping bits at random for “optimization”.

Comment Re:This is the best way to get people off of IE6! (Score 1) 142

No it is the absolute worst way. Since it is an enabler. It supports people’s lazy asses and weak spines. The lazy asses of those who prefer complaining to taking about 2 minutes to update their piece of shit browser, and the weak spines of the so-called web developers who prefer to spend 80% of their time working around IE bugs, because they fear they might lose a tiny bit of the dumbest of their users, because they would not want to upgrade. While at the same time those same idiot users update their Flash player about once a month without any complaint. (Why? Because the site does not work without it.)

I solved it long time ago. By directing IE users (ALL. No matter what version.) to a error page that looks exactly as if it were IE-internal. That page shows the actual facts of the problem. In that it tells the user that the browser is extremely outdated and can’t render modern sites like these. So they should update their browser.

Then, in Microsoft style, it lists a couple of solutions. Browsers that support current standards. And if that does not help, they can contact Microsoft, and demand to implement those standards in IE. The contact link goes straight to the right e-mail address for these inquiries.

It’s 100% believable that it’s a MS IE error, and it makes it clear, that not the site, but the user/MS is at fault.

But I guess it’s easier when you’re not a greedy bastard and therefore don’t count every last retard as your target group.

Comment Re:A good start, but... (Score 1) 117

Bacon, butter, sour cream, cheese... Why not go all the way, just leave out the potatoes, and pour pure fat into your throat? ;)

Reminds me of that German radio comedy of a fat German soccer coach: Remove the roof of your garage, and fill it to the top with frying oil and lard. Add 10 sacks of cereals, half a truck of pork rinds and a wheelbarrow of herbs to top it off. Let it harden, break away the walls, and your Spring Sports Energy Bar is ready! Mmmmmmhhhh....

Comment Re:Salt (Score 1) 117

And what do you think they eat? Hm? Smaller life that lives in the water. Which usually is animals which do the same. Or plants which live in the salty water. Also since fish also need water to “drink”, they absorb it too.

Your statement it so short-sighted, that even its own nose looks blurry to it. ;)

Comment Re:Very troubling (Score 3, Informative) 406

The wavelength is completely irrelevant for the question if it is a laser. A laser does not have to be in the optical or IR range. A laser is defined as a spatially coherent, narrow, low-divergence beam of electromagnetic waves. (If it’s matter, it’s a maser. There can also be others.)

So a spatially coherent, narrow, low-divergence beam of microwaves, is indeed a laser.

Comment But pure gameplay IS story telling! (Score 1) 79

There is no actual difference between story telling and gameplay. In that they are both experiences with the exact same structure (This one). Else it would not be fun.

Only that one is formed by defining generalized laws that allow movement inside the fun area, while the other is pre-scripted to the mindset of the writer.

The whole discussion about games “lacking stories” is pointless. Games are a generalization of pretty much everything we do for fun. Films, stories, art, sports, interesting contraptions, toys, learning... they are are subsets and aspects of what a game is.
So instead, it’s more correct to say, that stories lack freedom. And actually there is a free gradient between the two.

Also there is no big need to describe gameplay. As it’s actually always coming down to being the exact same thing. As in all stories too. That pattern is well known. Since the mechanics must work in that certain way, to be a game (or story) and to be fun.

Comment Re:Whitelist (5:erocS) (Score 1) 252

As as previously said, that’s an epic fail.

There is a character called “PDF” which ends all directional formatting. Put those around the comment, and you’re good.
Alternatively: Special formatting characters are nicely separated into their own blocks. Disable those, and you’re done.
I bet your language already has a library that handles it all and is proven over a long time.

Also, is it really a whitelist, if it does not allow more than ANSI plus maybe a five characters? I don’t think so.

I think I’ll just update my advanced /. xhtml editor, so it encodes things, to get past the limitation.

Comment Re:Not temperature - density (Score 1, Offtopic) 200

I am stunned by the deep and proper reasoning, that went into your comment. Such wonderfully general paradigms, and oh what a elegant chain of reasoning. I’ve never seen a collection of high-quality references with such a great density.
I am hugely impressed, and would like to be thaught at your school of logic. Which no doubt is one of the best in the world.

Your sincerely and deeply humbled,


Comment Re:Whew (Score 1) 601

So let me summarize your comment:

Ad hominem. (Ad hominem.) Statement based on a perfect world fantasy with no accompanying arguments that follow from common paradigms. Statement waiting for arguments to back it up. Argument as backup to the previous statement, but itself not backed up by anything.

Your comment holds no arguments that follow from any common paradigms, and hence is not more that a meaningless bag of words. Try again.
I recommend starting out with commonly accepted paradigms and building a proper chain to your final argument from there.
But don’t try this on me, as I will notice: http://xkcd.com/759/ ;)

Comment Re:Euro (Score 4, Funny) 252

I don’t believe you, as I can’t remember any time span between the Euro being introduced and it being typable. I remember a quick patch pushed trough Windows update, and another patch for Linux, and it was done.
I specifically remember that I never faced the problem of being unable to enter it.

Except on Slashdot of course. But it’s a surprise that Slashdot doesn’t still use Baudot or Murray encoding. I bet internally, it still runs on a special ternary hacked variant of the morse code. ;)

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