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Comment Re:Uhhhh, excuse me but... (Score 1) 305

Yeah, exactly the same guys... of all the 142 million... exactly the same...

Just like you are exactly the same guy as Dick Cheney who is exactly the same guy as Jon Steward and.. apparently... Ronald McDonald.

Wait, let me get my Lederhosen, Bratwurst, Sauerkraut and Volksmusik, so I can join it with my country.

Riiiight... ;)

Comment Re:If it's not broken, why are you fixing it? (Score 1) 305

I don’t. I will just stand is the direction of the oncoming asteroid and let it give me the epic facepalm.

At least that way I’m 100% sure I won’t die slowly and cruely in the nuclear winter.

If I can, I will also do all the nasty illegal shit right before that. All drugs, crimes and sick shit ever invented. ^^

Comment Uuum, WTF? (Score 2, Insightful) 839

Isn’t that why the simple and effective solution called a “roof” was invented for?

Just put a box around it, with a flat, transparent, 45 downwards facing surface in front of the light. There you go. Problem solved.
You can even coat it with a water-repelling substance, to prevent fogging.
Gravity will do the rest.

Oh wait... they don’t believe in gravity, in the midwest, right? ^^

Comment Re:I use it because... (Score 2, Interesting) 467

That’s because it’s a half-assed solution, that sits between two already crappy starting points: text menus, and icon bars.

That mouse-controlled icon bars are stupid, in a text processor, should be totally obvious, so I’m not commenting on them.
And menus are bad, because they are very limited, simple UI elements. No multiple choice, no parameters, no nothing. For that they use modal dialogs. Which are just plainly idiotic.

The idea of the ribbon came from the more than a decade old InfoBox in Lotus products, that you got in e.g. WordPro (part of SmartSuite).
But other than the InfoBox, the ribbon still is more of a icon bar than anything else. It still lacks big parts of the functionality. There still in no separation between object properties and wizards. No way to choose the parent object to apply things to it. It’s just a big piece of half-assed failure.
And even the InfoBox still was relatively bad, since there was little you could do with it, without using the mouse.

A good UI does not have to limit itself to text. But it should also never go for colorful clickables where you have to guess what they mean. (I fully expect an MS PHB go “But we’re excluding the part of our target group, who can’t [even fuckin’] read!” ^^)

Sorry, I can’t list all the changes I would make to that UI to make it as good as I can. Because that would be so much, that I rather just scrap it all and start over from scratch.

Comment Re:Latency sensitive people (Score 1) 175

And that’s bullshit anyways.

Yes, they have latency. But on multiple levels. Most of those are not very relevant or unbearable.
Maybe you don’t know how modern engines work.
They use elaborate prediction algorithms, to have e.g. the enemy an the right position when you shoot, even when the whole game lags some frames behind. Or else you would never hit anyone.
If the prediction was wrong, that’s when those weird things happen, like you think you hit him, but the engine tells you you missed.
Try tweaking the prediction in Quake 3. You stop hitting anything.

So yes, there is lag, but there is no visible lag.
But is this case here, there will be visible lag. Lag you can’t hide, because the local device can’t do predictions. And that is the problem that will never go away.

Comment Fighting retards scenario... ;) (Score 1) 467

To me, seeing MS Office and OOo “fight” each other, is (/would be) like seeing two drooling retards beat each other with a stick or something.

Both are so bad, it’s beyond belief. Even the more than a decade old SmartSuite was better.

Maybe I’m spoiled, since I did so much hard work, and thought so long about how to invent better user interfaces. But to me, they are somewhere at -100 vs -102. I just can’t see the difference so deep down there.

Hell, they still use modal dialogs! And require mouse usage in a text processor!
It’s beyond ridiculous...

(Yes, I will give you a money back guarantee to improve it beyond what you could imagine, if you pay me to improve it. But I did too much work to just tell you for free.)

Comment Re:Games? (Score 1) 175

Yeah, because they will never be able to send the sequence
Ctrl-C, open a browser, Ctrl-V, and click submit
to that remote desktop.

And they will never be able to zip stuff up, and upload it to somewhere.

No. Even removing those functions does not help. Since you end up with a unusable UI, long before you have found all things that you have to lock down. It’s a game that you can only lose.

Do you have pointy hairs by any chance?

Comment Re:Latency sensitive people (Score 1) 175

It has nothing to do with latency sensitivity.

With bad latency you just can’t win! That’s a straight out fact. It’s as simple as that.

I remember back in the days of playing in the CounterStrike (even pre 1.0) league. I had around 30-40 fps. I changed some settings, got 60 fps, and suddenly ruled the game with a massive improvement!
Yeah, that’s right: A 8-16 ms improvement in lag changed my whole game.
And we don’t even talk about Quake 3 CPMA (pro mode) here. ^^

It can’t be my sensitivity, because I did not notice any kind of lag at all beforehand. And from making a bit of music, I know that only at 30-50 ms of lag do I start to notice it.

Take two equal players. Let one play on this thing. And he will always lose.
The ultimate test would be CPMA. The self-rendering one would win 100 to 10 (lucky shots).

Yes. The only thing where it makes sense, are turn-based, or very slow games.

Comment Re:Medical conspiracy! (Score 1) 403

While I agree on the point you’re trying to make, actually most of the medicine we know today is stuff that grows in exotic jungles (and in the nature around us)!

Also, doctors are normally not actually healing you. I mean, when was the last time you saw a doctor talk about the actual cause of something with you? No, I don’t mean the typical doctor’s definition of “cause”. That’s a symptom! The real cause is either something from the environment (food, nature, psychological things), or genetic. But instead, those pharmacists with further training go and call heart failure a cause of death!! That is so WTF it’s beyond belief!

It’s like seeing a cop go “Oh, the cause of this car crash was that big dent in your hood”.

No it’s not. Heart failure is caused by something. Headache is caused by something. Everything is caused by something... and if it’s not genetic, it always is outside the body. Full stop.

Now I can see you thinking I want the opposite of “normal” medicine, with all that pseudo-scientific shit.
No, I don’t. Neither nor. I want that people finally think for themselves, lay off the false social conditioning, and find out the actual causes of their diseases.
Then, the could actually heal!

Because getting a constant drug pump implanted in your body is not a solution, and you are not healthy afterwards.
Just as constantly taking painkillers is not going to ever heal you.
That stuff just makes you ignore the symptoms, and pay loads of cash to the assholes who will do everything in their power from you actually healing, and becoming independent of their shit.

Ginko sellers and pharma companies are not opposites. The are the exact same thing. Selling shit that does not actually help you, and make money off of it, as long as possible.

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