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Comment Clue for advertisers (Score 1) 313

Search engine rank. Make it so I am able to find your products and services when I want/need them. Throwing flashy bouncy wobbly crap written to a 3rd grade reading level on every frickin' page doesn't make me want to click through to buy your product. Rather, it makes me want to install a filter so I never see that crap.

Comment Re:Does Groklaw claim to provide balanced analysis (Score 4, Insightful) 124

Groklaw's original mission was to show that SCO's case against IBM was a load of malarky from the get go, using nothing but the facts and evidence provided in the case by each side's legal briefs. I don't know if that's bias, but Groklaw and PJ have proven over and over that they seem to know both the facts and the law and get it right every single time.

Comment Begin at the beginning... (Score 1) 634

The best TOS episode for that is The Cage, the pilot with Jeffrey Hunter as Captain Christopher Pike, that didn't quite make it on the network and later was incorporated into the two-part Menagerie. Follow that up with Where No Man Has Gone Before, then Charlie X, then move on through the series from there. If they don't get it with the original series, they'll be lost on the rest.

Comment Re:Why So Serious? (Score 1) 396

Maybe this is why so serious? You were likely in grade school, sonny.

Ballmer: "Linux is a cancer"

Contaminates all other software with Hippie GPL rubbish
By Thomas C Greene in Washington DC

Posted in Software, 2nd June 2001 18:19 GMT

Microsoft CEO and incontinent over-stater of facts Steve Ballmer said that "Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches," during a commercial spot masquerading as a media interview with the Chicago Sun-Times Friday.

Comment Re:Can you be more specific? (Score 1) 212

Can you specify which protocols that MS uses that "aren't always available in Linux?" Y'know, Kerberos works just fine, so does SMB and RDP and any other protocol you want to throw at it. Admit it -- the command line frightens you and you haven't the stones to figure out wine or virtualbox. This is this the typical bullshit FUD that Windows nimrods toss around in order to keep their customers sucking on the MS tit.

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