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Ballmer Scorns Apple As a $500 Logo 1147

theodp writes "Speaking at a conference in NYC, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer did his best to refan the flames of the Mac vs. PC rivalry: 'Now I think the tide has really turned back the other direction [against Apple],' Ballmer said. 'The economy is helpful. Paying an extra $500 for a computer in this environment — same piece of hardware — paying $500 more to get a logo on it? I think that's a more challenging proposition for the average person than it used to be.'"

Obama Administration Promises "Thorough Review" of USTR Policies 78

After all of the uproar surrounding some of the Obama administration's recent decisions, trade officials have promised a thorough review of the USTR policies regarding transparency. In an effort to ensure that the review includes all possible angles, the USTR is urging groups to make other proposals as well. "KEI is very impressed with the USTR decision to undertake a review of USTR transparency efforts. They are taking this much further than simply reviewing policies on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), or recent controversies over the secrecy surrounding the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) negotiations. The review offers the possibility of more transformative changes, including pro-active measures to enhance transparency, covering all aspects of USTR operations, including multilateral, plurilateral, regional, bilateral and unilateral trade policies and negotiations. We are also grateful that USTR is offering to have a continuing dialogue on this issues. KEI will offer additional suggestions on transparency to USTR, and we encourage others to do so also."

New Success For Brain-Controlled Prosthetic Arm 81

An anonymous reader writes "A number of amputees are now using a prosthetic arm that moves intuitively, when they think about moving their missing limb. Todd Kuiken and colleagues at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago surgically rearrange the nerves that normally connect to the lost limb and embed them in muscles in the chest. The muscles are then connected to sensors that translate muscle movements into movement in a robotic arm. The researchers first reported the technique in a single patient in 2007, and have now tested it in several more. The patients could all successfully move the arm in space, mimic hand motions, and pick up a variety of objects, including a water glass, a delicate cracker, and a checker rolling across a table. (Three patients are shown using the arm in the related video.) The findings are reported today in Journal of the American Medical Association."

Comment Re:News Flash! (Score 1) 353

The problem is that there are red light cameras at all.

Ramen. Personally I'm scared, because I'd rather have someone run the first half second or so of a red light than slam on the brakes to avoid a fine, get hit from behind, and pushed into opposing traffic that is now up to speed. Gives me the willies.

Comment Re:You want to be in control... (Score 1) 535

Well, times have changed a bit. I have Vista on my personal box, and those particular problems are things of the past. McAffee and Norton are trash, don't heap them in with this either. "Sure is a nice PC you got there... it would be a shame if something... happened to it..."

Vista has a real updater as part of the OS now, no need to visit that website (thank god) for any kind, critical, recommended, or optional. Also I've used Firefox for web browsing and Chrome for it's neato little "Application Shortcut" feature, so I'm not exposed to whatever hell is Internet Explorer these days. Just fyi, not trying to convert or claim superiority.

Comment Re:It's my computer (Score 1) 535

Why can't something that has nothing to do with Google Earth not be installed? People want to install Google Earth. They DO NOT want to install Google Updater. What's so hard about that to understand? What is Google trying to be, Microsoft? (Movie Maker, IE, Outlook Express, Messenger, etc. etc.)

No, they're trying to be Apple. Well, to put it less abrasively, "But all the other kids are doing it!" Have you installed iTunes lately on a PC? Every time their updater software runs, you have to opt-out of installing their godawful Safari and Bonjour. Talking about pushing your other software because of a market dominance in one particular area... Except for a statistically insignificant few, everyone who uses an iPod branded mp3 player uses iTunes. Now I'll bet most of them have Safari and Bonjour too, and almost none of them want it.


Senate Approves 4-Month Delay In Digital TV Switch 438

DJRumpy sends word that the US Senate has voted to delay the switch to digital TV until June. "The transition date would move to June 12 from February 17 under the bill that was fueled by worries that viewers are not technically ready for the Congressionally mandated switch-over. It would also allow consumers with expired coupons, available from the government to offset the cost of a $40 converter box, to request new coupons. The government ran out of coupons earlier this month, and about 2.5 million Americans are on a waiting list for them."

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