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Comment Re:"" may "" "" consider "" (Score 1) 262

Pfffttt... who'd ever want to use a image editor where all the dialog boxes were kept in one window? Sorry, if the program doesn't take up half my taskbar, it isn't worth using.

I miss Gimp's newish marque selection UI. Still no CMYK, out of the box at least. Seems ok though. It looks like a decent enough alternative, and I can talk about it around people who don't know what it is without them looking at me funny.

It isn't going to replace Photoshop(for all the same reasons gimp won't), but after a curssory look I might use it instead of Gimp at home.

Comment Re:Full 'nix for arm? (Score 1) 262

Open a new browser tab (winner: keybd)
Close a browser tab (winner: keybd)
Go to a history/bookmarked URL (winner: keybd)
Navigate forward/back in the history (winner: keybd)
Click a link (Tie. I generally hit / and start typing the link text, hit escape, then enter to visit the link. Sometimes moving the mouse over the link is faster.)
Run an application (winner: keybd)
Cut/copy/paste/save/print/quit/etc (winner: keybd)
Scrolling via arrow, pgup/dn, home/end vs. wheel (winner: keybd)
Switching between applications/windows (winner: keybd)
Change a font (I will give this one to mouse)

I can do all but one of those things with one click or one a mouse gesture, and I don't have to move my hand to use controls in Flash or other firefox pluging.

The awesome bar is just that, with the mouse. Mash a couple letters with my left hand, and click with my right. If I need it in a new tab, I just use mouse 3.

Scrolling is way better with the mouse. Mouse wheel for small movement. Gesture ties too full page up or down. Auto scroll for when I want the screen to act like a teleprompter. None of which requires moving any part of my body more than a centimeter.

A 'power user', or whatever you want to call someone who actually knows how their computer works and how to customize it to their liking, who prefers a mouse is every bit as effective and efficient as one who like the keyboard. They probably just spend most of their time doing different tasks.

Comment Re:We need a spam filter for radio (Score 1) 244

Tivo doesn't do any filtering though. They need to teach it to do two things.

1) Add a skip forward backward feature that looks for abrupt changes in the image. If 100% of the broadcast image changes from one frame to the next, that's obviously either a gap between commercials or scenes. Now, they hang all sorts of logos and letter boxes around the signal, so it would need to have a variable threshold and probably look at a few different factors(actual pixels, aggregated measurements colour and brightness, totally black frames, etc). That's actually pretty easy to manage. You can flash the firmware of most cannon camaras and install software that will take photos automatically off similar info.

2) Allow people to subscribe to a free service that tracks what parts of a given show people skip over and what parts they watch. Which means unless you are watching the show very close to live, the crowd would have found where most of the ads are, with pretty good accuracy if the above was implemented and enough people used it, and your player could skip them automatically(if it was too inaccurate you could always rewind a bit, because you'd have recorded the whole show like normal).

Ok, yeah, I don't trust TiVo track my behavior like that, and it could be hard to get a large company with a lot of corporate ties to do it, but I don't see too big a reason it could be strapped on to myth TV or what have you.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 509

Is it the fact that you might get chewed out by some 15 year old you'll never meet?

Well, yeah. I own the orange box, and can't bring myself to play TF 2 because I have to be a member of a team and don't want to be "that guy" who screws up and lets everyone on his team down.

It's not like it's healthy or anything, and I don't expect folks to design games around my particular tastes, but more or less that's one of the big reasons I don't game online.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 352

If not for local ECM(jammers in other aircraft) screwing up the flight controls, then the simple fact that the manned aircraft can turn their head and see the planes over their shoulder let alone behind them.

You can put a few sensors on a UAV. Some of them can point backwards. UAV's aren't like dogs, they can look up.

A UAV could eventually out turn any human pilot. UAV don't black out in a 15 G turn and they aren't afraid of using themselves as bait, so an ally can find a F-22's fire control radar or catch it with it's bays open.

Comment Re:Chinese Anti-Reaper (Score 1) 352

They have a small radar cross section and it isn't easy to track them by their communication, because it all goes straight up.

It's hard to find them on the cheap. They would need to create a large aperture pretty high powered airborne radar. Now, if you are leaving your processing power at home, you could probably swing something with a lot of smaller radars, provided you accurately knew where they all were and what each was radiating.

It's hard to hide your communications with this sort of thing without satellites, so that's another barrier to entry. After all if you are radiating your communications in all directions, both the anti-predator and your base station are likely to be harmed.

There is going to be a UAV arms race, and it will almost certainly end up including air superiority roles. I don't know how long it is going to take to trickle down the likes of Iran.

Frankly, if I rather see Iran picking up defensive anti-air weapons than buying a bunch of little strike aircraft and turning a tanker/cargo ship into an UAV Carrier that can blend in with merchant traffic.

Comment Re:Not so fast... (Score 1) 116

Heck, the data is valuable to anyone with an interest in what people are doing online and how they are using the internet. I don't see any way the information sent out could be limited to the actions of malware, so the database could end up a nice target for commercial(marketing and whatnot) datamining.

Sending out information which I don't control defeats half of the purpose behind why I run software firewalls.

Comment Re:time to port gnome! (Score 1) 828

Kinda a false dicotomy, no?

QT has support for C++, Java, Python, Ada, Pascal, Perl, and PHP. Some of those are more useful than others, but if you want to develop in something other than c++, particularly if you want a cross platform application, there are more options than just c++ or GTK.

Unless you are talking about hacking QT v GTK themselves, what does it really matter when they both have support for a good variety of languages?

Comment Re:so what? (Score 2, Insightful) 301

I'm pretty sure the cleaning executable you are talking about is the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, and consumers smart enough to use it have already done so. Maybe more of and ad campaign, but it's not like tool isn't there and wouldn't being automatically used if these people ran updates.

Comment Re:Try it! (Score 0, Redundant) 264

//plans to market IPv6 "enhancers" to audiophiles, both speeding adoption and lining my pockets with "stupidity tax".

Introducing Premium IP 6 Rated, Gold Clad, Monster Ethernet Cables: Get the most out of your digital audio experience. $99 3 foot cable. 6 foot cables only $150.

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