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Comment Re:Not that I condone piracy but (Score 5, Funny) 431

Then you don't get the trojan from iWorks, but from the keygen that further frustrates you by playing an annoying and loud tune while you go through the serial generating process.

Note to keygen creators: I do not want to hear your brother's crappy techno remixes when using your app. Is there some way I can pay you to disable this feature?

Comment Re:The US military disagreed with your opinion (Score 1) 799

As I have grown older and learned more about WWII, it seems more probable that the higher echelons of the US political/military system at the time were motivated to drop the bombs in order to minimize the Soviet involvement in Japan's surrender. Even before Germany's surrender there was a growing concern in the US and Brittan that the war in Europe would continue after the fall of Germany, an become US/UK vs USSR. Furthermore, the US didn't want a repeat of the division of Germany, and be forced to share Japan with the USSR because they dumped another million troops as cannon fodder in an invasion of the main islands.

Comment Re:Dear ACM, STOP. (Score 1) 474

If you can find any state capable of funding the majority of its infrastructure solely through the taxation of its inhabitants and without accepting federal money then you might have a point. The fact of the matter is that so long as a person is subject to federal taxes then states must take federal money. This money for the most part isn't a "handout" but simply the government giving back to the state what the federal government already took less their administrative fees.

Comment Re:Safe Harbor made innovation work (Score 3, Informative) 205

Nobody prusues it because congress knew the clause was a joke when they made it a part of the law. I can not find one instance where perjury charges have been brought against false and/or purely malicious DMCA take-down notices. The reason being is that the DCMA being a federal law, your local/state DA doesn't care, and good luck getting the feds to ever go after corporate corruption, unless they aren't paying their taxes.

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