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Comment The plan all along (Score 1) 194

The current generation AppleTV has Bluetooth for input and 8GB of flash that are inaccessable currently.

What Apple didn't have was a large base of apps that don't require touch screen and many of the other hardware expectations of the current iOS devices.

Introduction of the Mac Appstore fixes that and readies the AppleTV to become a portal for those Apps to be put onto an iOS device. You have to look at it from a very high level looking down at the synergies between the computers and their iOS devices. The overarching plan is to make development for any of them just as easy as the next and make Applications readily available across all devices. I expect that to be a huge focus for LION and this year's WWDC.

Comment Re:Would it make a difference? (Score 1) 194


What people don't see is the walled gardens have been there for quite awhile. Trying to blame this on Apple is ridiculous to say the least. At a minimum though, Apple's developer program costs are very light. We know as well that the door for 3rd party tools has been opened, it's only a matter of time before we have a copy of Eclipse or some development environment that is cheap and robust and available on multiple platforms for free. That will lower the entry costs to developing greatly.

Hopefully this will push console development costs down, or maybe Apple will make a beefy AppleTV gaming edition and rise to the top.

Comment Re:Didn't we already see this? (Score 1) 194

I really grow tired of these "if I had a mouse and keyboard" statements.

And while you're struggling with the controller on Halo, I'm smoking you left and right. You shouldn't get to chose your input device when the game is designed for a specific platform. I'm sorry you can't just point and click your way through a game while the rest of us adapted per game and system. Get better with the controller and get over it.

Comment Re:You could also say the iPad was rushed. (Score 1) 480


I have an iPad, I don't miss the camera on either side of it. And if I did, I'd recognize that the device has bluetooth and can fill the need with an external bluetooth or network based web camera.

Lack of USB is not a problem either and don't ever expect to see one on an iPad.

I want a car, I don't want your faster horse.

Comment Be Fair (Score 1) 223

All Jobs ever said was that Apple would not distribute content with nudity or pornography. Apple distributes through the Appstore which is why you won't find Apps there.

Apple isn't doing a damn thing about other distribution channels. And hell, this is what they wanted to begin with (web apps over built in apps). Guess what, with a good web app you don't have to pay Apple for distribution rights.

Comment Re:They're Also Canceling The Plan Altogether (Score 1) 257

No they're not. they clearly stated in the email to me that you still still get $40 unlimited, however you are throttled back. What kills me are the people that insist that Verizon's or AT&T's plans were ever listed any different. Their "Unlimited" plans have been this way for at least the last 5 years.

Regardless, with this news, I think the Mifi I just bought at the end of December is now going back to Virgin Mobile. In a few months I'll have similar access through my iPhone either on Verizon or AT&T.

I will give Virgin Mobile GREAT praise. I was on the fence for months because I was worried about service and when I finally got it, there were definitely no issues with service and it was roughly comparable to a friend's Mifi

The problem with these plans is that they advertise true unlimitedness and then they get EVERY idiot jumping on killing that connection with downloads. They're forced to back off. What I don't like is the unreasonable level of service options thereafter. For instance 40$ for 5GB is HIGHLY unreasonable, as much as their $10 for 100MB is. To be fair, Verizon was charging $60 for "unlimited" that had a 5GB cap as well for the same device. Virgin is still cheaper when you factor cost of the device versus cost of being locked into a 2 year contract with Verizon as wel.

Comment Re:It's quite simple... (Score 1) 738

You fail at life. Stop being brainwashed by the right. You clearly don't understand how government services drive private industry nor the economics of funneling money into the private economy through public workers.

All the other crap about "pretending to look busy" exists in the private sector too. Don't give me that crap.

Comment Re:Mums the word. (Score 5, Interesting) 480

They promised to give up the one thing that Verizon has held out on all this time, Verizon branding all over the phone.

It will be verizon free, free of all the extra apps and crap they want installed on the system. It will remain an Apple device, exactly what Apple has always wanted and only AT&T would agree to.

It hasn't been an exclusive agreement or Apple's will that kept the phone on AT&T, it's Verizon's vanity and need for control over a device that is yours to use.
With LTE coming up, they didn't want to miss out on an iDevice for another generation of wireless data.

Comment Re:it's worth it (Score 1) 279

Having played it and seen the full grind. There is no goal to the game which is to be expected of a sandbox game, but there isn't much depth either. $15 was too much to ask for an alpha and if he's increased costs even more, it's not worth it.

This should be $5 TOPS. For it's popularity, the developer is making more than enough at the bank with that rate. For what it is, it should be an open source donation funded project, let people who think it's worth more, pay what they think it's worth.

Comment Re:Preorder now! (Score 1) 279

The creativity everyone is going nuts over, could be solved with a less grindy set of legos. At the end of the day I at least have a lego structure I don't have to drag people over to my computer to show off.

Minecraft takes the grindy aspects of WoW professions and merges it with a farmville and a graphics engine that wasn't acceptable two decades ago. It is an unpolished turd that was wrapped up and bow tied by sites like Penny Arcade and Slashdot and the geek crowd latched onto because they thought it was cool.

Comment Re:Milking the cow... (Score 3, Insightful) 144

The problem is that much of the horror in Alien that made it work is overdone now. It had a lot of gore for a movie of it's time, complete with a woman running around in her panties. That was cute and new and the horror was what was off the screen.

Movie goers are immune to the gore, immune to that half naked woman (even fully naked women at this point) and the horror of what's not seen, is now just seen as a cheap budget. You can't even be scared by something you've seen before, which is why Cameron spent so much time in the first sequel not even showing you the Alien until he was ready to throw all of it at you.

You won't get another Alien. You won't get another Aliens. Give it up folks. We're stuck with what we've gotten of the AvP movies, Predators and Resurrection. It doesn't get new. Just enjoy the story.

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