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Comment Re:Coastal people live in their own universe (Score 2, Insightful) 264

Natural Resources are things found in nature that are used and can be used up. Clean water, breathable air, plant life, animal life, arable land, those are natural resources. They are consumed through use and can be overused to the point of disappearing. A beach on the other hand, that is not a natural resource. It's a terrain feature, just like a mountain. You can no more "use up" a beach than you can use up the view of Mt. McKinley.

Unfortunately (as viewed by beach residents), beach erosion _IS_ natural. That's how it works. The beaches need protection from people like you since you don't understand what qualities define a natural resource and through your ignorance think you can "repair" a beach.

Attempting to "preserve" beaches does no more than screw up the beaches for people who live down-current (no matter which direction that current flows.) You don't understand how the ocean or the earth work.

Beaches are supposed to erode. That is MOTHERFUCKING NATURE. Deal with it.

Study some oceanography.

Comment Time to relegate politicians to the dumpster (Score 2) 125

What the fuck?

How the fuck can we keep allowing knee-jerk idiots to continue making decisions in technical areas where they have no fucking experience or knowledge?

All this shit's being driven by the same assholes who come up with ideas like "x-strikes and you're banned from the net."

Wise up.


Comment Rooftop Voting! Coming soon! (Score 1) 475

"As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air — however slight — lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."

This sure sounds like the scenario that Justice Douglas was talking about.

Maybe it's about time to dig up the rifles?

Comment Satisfied, here. (Score 2) 323

I say fuck 'em. Until they get their act together and provide what is needed instead of supporting a business mdoel better suited for the 50s, I'll stick with USENET, torrents, and file sharing services to watch the broadcast shows I like.

When they decide they need the business, they'll come up with reasonable plans and I'll come back. Until then, I'll be happy with my own servers providing the content I want, from any source I want, when I want it.

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