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Comment Old does not mean non-technical (Score 1) 273

I take exception to News.com.au lumping "old" and non-technical.

Who the hell do they think put all this fucking technology into play? Martians? No, it was that generation they've characterized as "Old." So a big FU to news.com.au for not realizing that many of those people who started out using paper tapes, punch cards, and 75 baudot acoustic couplers on mainframes with a teletype terminal are still around and still techies.

Comment Re:Fucking Disney (Score 2) 31

You should avoid discuss old events with an old person ;-)

Walt died in 1966 and that copyright shit started when the first wave of fucking MBA graduates insinuated themselves into the company in the late 60's. MBAs fucked up Disney just like they did the auto and steel industries with the mantra of profit over capital investment and infrastructure.

No, Walt Disney may have had some serious issues surrounding well-rounded cartoonish backsides ( ;-) ), but he was a decent guy who wanted to provide wholesome entertainment. He worked hard to keep Disneyland segregated from the rest of Anaheim and its dirty reality. That's how Disney World was conceived. He wanted a location where the local community (and it's dismal inhabitants) would neither encroach nor prey upon visitors to the fantasy world he created for us.

Comment Re:Disney+ Sucks (Score 1) 31

That's the plan. Hulu/Crave and Disney don't have enough worthwhile content for most people. They dribble out bullshit shows and old content to look as though they're always adding new material.

Hulu lets you remove things you aren't interested in, but then "re-stocks" the list with the same shit content because they want to fool you into thinking they have plenty of great content - just like a supermarket moving cans from the back of a shelf to the front of the shelf to make it appear as though they have plenty of product.

The truth is that after you've seen the shows you like and begin awaiting new seasons, you're basically giving them money in return for nothing.

Their business needs you to pay for nothing or it can't survive. Break their business model. Pause your subscription for a couple months, come back and watch decent content for a month, then pause it again.

Comment Re:More consolidation and price rises (Score 2) 31

Unless they're continually offering new content, you're better off pausing your subscription for a few months, every three months. Then you can binge the new shows/movies without paying for the dribbles of content they give in one month. They're just sucking you into a continual payment despite their lack of enough worthwhile content.

Comment Re: Yeah, well, better find a real job (Score 1) 79

I remember that. But I was thinking light-to-medium crowds in settings like a hospital, non-rush hour train stations, subway/bus riders, people inside shops or across the street from the action.

Basically any NPC that an actor does not interact with, e.g., walking on in a crowded environment or any situation where the actor must take note if them.

Comment Yeah, well, better find a real job (Score 1) 79

Find a real job or get roles with lines. Extra work is going to disappear sooner than you want to think it can. The only times a human extra is necessary is for close together where a face and the extras essential stand together.

For anything at a distance, the price of real-time 3d character generation keeps dropping. I figure you have maybe 10 years left before the only roles are in live tv.

Comment Meh (Score 3, Interesting) 35

How's it going to perform when someone walks out of a frigid server room into a normal environment with humidity? Without real sunlight, it seems that you're still going to have fogged glasses since I doubt florescent tubes will help much. Same thing for night and very cloudy days.

How useful will these _really_ be during the winter months?

Comment Some-BS... But not all (Score 1) 346

Educational Privilege? Bullshit.

When you get a college freshman that is able to read and write properly, you're not seeing educational privilege, you're seeing a student that didn't waste their time in secondary school.

Those students you get who can't write a coherent essay can probably can tell you all the gossip about tabloid celebrities or whatever idiot teen drama happens to be popular.

Don't try to ascribe their poor academic performance to their parent's color, money, position, or other bullshit social narrative. That's bullshit. Idiot students come in all colors.

If you wanted them to write and speak English, then stop the elementary bullshit and force them to learn and speak English.

If they can't, tough shit. Take it up with their parents and the liberal idiots that allowed them to advance through school without being able to read and write.

"Participation Certificates" won't pay their bills.

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