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Comment HSR is the wrong direction (Score 1) 1139

Rather than wasting money on HSR systems, we should be trying to make our air-space traffic-control systems better and concentrate on trying to get people to learn to fly themselves! HSR makes sense between high-density urban centers, but as some have indicated, they aren't very efficient for outer-lying sprawling communities. As it is subways and other rail systems require us to drive the same distance from our point of origin to a HSR departure point, as it is from the departure point to our intended destination.

My solution?....AIRCARS!!!


Comment Re:Either that (Score 1) 706

"Honestly EVERYTHING commanded by any religion about sex is only there to control the population"

Hmmm...If that were true, why is it that many religions are against things like bestiality (which as defined is impossible unless re-classified as sex between organisms of differing which case, given what I have noted of the natural world is..."natural"), masturbation, homosexuality, oral, and anal sex? Last I'd heard, these sexual behaviors don't generally end in pregnancy. If what you are saying is true, I'd suspect that such activities as noted above would be accepted, if not at least "tolerated". However, if you mean to imply that what religions have to say about sex is simply there to control the minds of their adherents, I'd say you are correct. Wouldn't want people to have knowledge of, much less be practicing sex-magic openly now would we?


Comment It's on the internet (Score 1) 390

Get over it!!!! What is it about these neanderthals that makes them think that they can silence or purge information of any kind once it is in the wild??? IT IS ON WIKILEAKS.....HELLO!!!! That means that it is stored, cached, saved, archived by SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, OTHER THAN YOU!!! China's failure to keep hackers or other intent individuals from gaining access to "prohibited" materials online should have been the clarion call to all of these schmucks that if someone wants to get to it, and it is available online, they can get to it!!!


Comment Re:I hate people (Score 0, Troll) 126

I've created many products that in the beginning stages were in fact "derivative works". However, I don't see how your line of reasoning relates to assholes writing crap-ware that fux up your windows machine to the point of rendering it inoperable. How is that supposed to be "fun" for anyone? I can imagine a modicum of smug at having ruined someone's ability to get online, but again, if you are smart enough to do that, you can do much more productive things with your time (whether or not you write "ALL" of the code know, like making Open Office work seamlessly with Microsoft Office...Or making Battlefield 2 work flawlessly on Ubuntu!)


Comment Re:I hate people (Score 0, Troll) 126

Yeah sure, seems like a whole lot of fun when I can't use windows online anymore...Your assertion seems dichotomously true, and yet false. I derive great pleasure from making things that no one has had the brain-power to think up before. In that context, it seems like such "derivative works" are the product of laziness on the part of the authors to me.


Comment I hate people (Score -1, Troll) 126

Why is it that some people suck so badly that they feel the need to do stupid shit like write virii, write scripts that turn your computer into a slave for their use, write scripts that steal your info, write programs that allow them to cheat like little bitches on Battle Field 2, write programs that allow them to listen in on your cell phone conversations, write programs that pretty much bork your fucking windows partition? Why can't these fucking pieces of shit just play the fucking game, surf pr0n, download movies, comment on /., and check their fucking email like normal people????????????? I mean really, if you are so fucking smart you can write programs that do all of these things, why aren't you doing something more productive with your "skillz"?


Comment Re:Get the government out of schools (Score 1) 989

"Trust me, its not your government that's the problem, its the foundation of American society that has somehow equated the success of the United States to it's belief in God."

This is an assertion based on partial data. Note the lack of the words "god", "Jesus", "The Holy Ghost", "our Lord", in our founding documents. This was due to the fact that the majority of our "founding fathers" were in fact "Secular Deists" and not christian at all. And as one of the replies points out, all that "In God we trust" crap didn't pop up until our chief competitor for global dominance ( a pursuit entirely antithetical to our original "non-interventionist" national policy) became Russia.


Comment This opens a new can of worms (Score 1) 416

If I ever get dumb enough to waste the money on an Apple machine again(I'd only done it before because A) Mac Os 8 was a superior product to winblows 95, B) the G3 processor was vastly superior to the P1 and P2, and C) Apple had done the smartest thing they'd done since going into business and opened up their OS licensing to 3rd party hardware vendors, thus allowing Power Computing to bring in another 100,000+ Mac OS users into the fold), I will want to install an iAd-blocker! Why (in the age of the internet, where if you want "ANYTHING" you can go online and find someone to buy it from) should I have to put up with ads that entirely disrupt my system, just so Apple can have another revenue stream? With 10's of billions in liquid assets you'd think that ol megalomaniacal Jobs could say..."hmmm I think we have enough revenue coming in....But NO, got to stash a portal into the OS itself to FORCE people to watch more fucking commercials!!! If Apple is going to be like that, I'll just stick to building my own boxes and install Ubuntu!


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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
