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Comment Try Austrian Economics (Score 1) 4

The Austrian School of Economics predicted the mess we're in now.

Go back and see what the likes of Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, and all the fine folks over at The Ludwig von Mises Institute ( were saying back before the housing bubble burst. All the Keyesian economists (the ones who caused the mess we're in now) said they were nuts. But no, they were right.

Comment Who will man the base, then? (Score 1) 4

Since our occupation began, the U.S. built a monstrous base in Iraq roughly the size of the Vatican. If all troops are really pulled out (which I sincerely doubt will happen), then who will man/guard the base we spent billions on?

Comment Re:all the better to rebuild plantation economies (Score 1) 2247

So by your logic, the welfare clause and the commerce clause (which, yes, have been abuse to the nth degree) would pretty much cover anything. If that's true, then what, pray tell, would be the purpose of the 9th and 10th amendments? Seriously, if the founders indeed intended for the feds to do pretty much whatever, then why specifically spell out that "all else is the purview of the states and the people"? There would be no "all else". Makes no sense.

Of course the writings of chief architects of the Constitution (Madison, etc. in the [anti]Federalist Papers, etc) made it quite clear what their intentions were with respect to this debate.

But you are right, there was a debate even among the founders, with Madison and Jefferson on one side, and Hamilton on the other. And yes, things went off-kilter pretty much right away. The Constitution is by far a perfect document, as it was a compromise between the two camps. But compared to where we are now (rather close to collapse) I'd much rather be back at the point of that awful compromise.

Comment Re:all the better to rebuild plantation economies (Score 1) 2247

He "favors" cutting the DHS but doesn't propose it.

Then you're not paying attention. He railed against the idea when it was proposed, and has been complaining about it every since its establishment.

What terrible evil does NOAA do? You got something against weather satellites?

It doesn't have to be evil to be unconstitutional.

(Although I think it was a grave mistake) the federal government gave congress the power to operate the post office, but there was no mention of weather satellites.

And as we all know, the Constitution is what makes our federal government possible, and is the Supreme Law of the Land.

If you feel that it should be a legitimate function of the federal government, there's a built-in process to amend the Constitution. But of course, since this country was set up as a loose federation of independent states, the states will have to ratify any proposed amendments.

The agencies Paul is proposing we cut are already illegal simply by existing.

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