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White House Responds To SOPA, PIPA, and OPEN 517

eefsee writes "The White House today responded to two petitions with a statement titled 'Combating Online Piracy while Protecting an Open and Innovative Internet.' They note that 'We must avoid creating new cybersecurity risks or disrupting the underlying architecture of the Internet.' In particular, they cite manipulation of DNS as problematic. But overall the statement is clearly supportive of anti-piracy efforts and lays down this challenge: 'So, rather than just look at how legislation can be stopped, ask yourself: Where do we go from here? Don't limit your opinion to what's the wrong thing to do, ask yourself what's right.' So, what's right?"

Comment Re:X-Files Episode (Score 3, Insightful) 151

Sure, Apple might not give a backdoor to the Indian government, but chances are it (or your cell phone service provider) is giving a backdoor to the US government, pursuant to CALEA and other laws. And Skype is mandated to put in backdoors too...

It's cute that you think the US government needs handset manufacturers to include backdoors in order to wiretap. It's much easier to just control the networks. \tinfoil

Comment Re:Not funny when it happens to you, is it? (Score 1) 807

In the other case, violent crimes happened where the protests were occurring, but had nothing to do with the protesters' message. It's a pretty important distinction, and one that many (biased) people like to overlook.

I didn't say that rape and murder define Occupiers (the opposite, actually), but you seem to be saying that a couple wackos with guns and inappropriate signs should define the Tea Party. Your bias is showing.

You either don't know the popular ideals of the Tea Party, or you're intentionally trying to distort them. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I can't really call myself a Tea Partier, so I'm not that best person to educate you, but I'll just say that a bloody revolution is actually not a prominent theme among their ranks and leave it at that.

Comment Re:Not funny when it happens to you, is it? (Score 1) 807

I get what you're saying, but I guess I just disagree that the presence of guns automatically makes a situation more dangerous. As they say, guns don't kill people; people kill people. A civil person with a gun will cause less harm than a person without a gun who is intent on causing harm. That said, an uncivil person with a gun can cause considerably more damage than an uncivil person without a gun, but that's irrelevant if the group is entirely civil (which the Tea Party seems to be, or at least those actually bearing the firearms).

As to why bring a gun to a rally, I think it mostly has to do with the large overlap of 2nd-amendment advocates (NRA types) and the Tea Party. It may be a lot less common in some states versus others, but some people choose to carry firearms (either concealed or "open") everywhere they are legally allowed, if only to exercise their right to do so. Other people have real concerns over their own self-defense in general, so perhaps they carried at rallies, even though they may not have felt any explicit threat by attending the rally versus any other place where they live. I bet that some of the guns at rallies (especially rifles) were unloaded and used only as props to go with the colonial garb of some Tea Partiers. I can't say for sure. I've never actually been to any of these rallies, but I have come across the types of people that I just described around where I live, so I only have that limited insight into the minds of these people.

Comment Re:Not funny when it happens to you, is it? (Score 4, Informative) 807

Didn't the Tea Party bring guns to some place or other? I remember hearing about that somewhere on here. Or was that a ./ myth?

Sure. In America, it is still legal to own guns and carry them in most public places (usually requiring a permit if the weapon is concealed). It may be important to note that of all the Tea Party rallies, no weapons were ever fired, or at least nobody was killed. Going out on a limb here, but I think terrorists usually use their guns to kill as many people as they can, so maybe the term "terrorist" is misapplied to Tea Party people. There were actually a few cases of rape and even murder among the Occupiers, but it's just as ridiculous to call them terrorists.

Comment Re:BSD license was always more permissive, so grea (Score 5, Insightful) 808

It's more like having freedom of speech, but anyone who feels like it can revoke it. GPL doesn't restrict freedom, it enforces freedom.

Yeah, except a company which decides to use and modify open source software without giving back does not revoke anyone else' right to the code... so, in other words, it's not like that at all.

Comment Re:They screwed it with the new release process (Score 1) 511

Actually, Firefox has done a lot to improve addon compatibility. They now have a bot that checks the API calls of all addons in their repository and automatically marks those that don't use any changed API's.

A bot scanning their addon repository is their (presumably temporary) solution? How about roll back to the previous version scheme until they can actually fix their software? Any plugin system which relies on hardcoded version numbers is clearly broken.

Comment Re:When are multiple cores going to help me? (Score 1) 189

I just got a fancy 8 core T7500 Dell workstation and only one of my compilers actually takes advantage of the multiple cores when it is compiling.

If your compiler isn't threaded, then at least run multiple compile jobs simultaneously--this is probably better anyway. If your build system can't do this, your tools are broken.


Journal Journal: Lake West Camp - Fall 1


Lake West Camp

Wind making leaves fall, sounded like rain (worrying me throughout the night).

Night started out clear, with a bright, near-full (checking the calendar now, it was full) moon directly overhead, and cold - around 37F (according to the car's thermometer).

In the morning (7:20 am) the car thermometer read 49F. Clouds were rolling in.

Comment Re:I like it (Score 3, Interesting) 238

And leads to extremely bad code. Goto has the same thing - it can be extremely powerful, but overusing it leads to really bad code.

It's not so much about overuse. Rather, it's the misuse of macros and gotos (and any other coding construct) that can lead to bad code. Macros and gotos get a bad rap because they get misused more often than other constructs, mostly by those who are really new to programming. When used appropriately, these constructs can make code more readable and easier to maintain. It's too bad that so many students are being taught to avoid gotos at all cost; better to teach them when gotos can be used to good effect.

Open Source

Ask Slashdot: When and How To Deal With GPL Violations? 151

jd writes "There are many pieces of software out there, such as seL4 (kindly brought to my attention by another reader), where the vendor has indeed engineered something that they're entitled to Close Source, but where their closed-source license includes the modifications to GPLed software such as the Linux kernel. Then there's a second type of behavior. Code Sourcery produced two versions of their VSIPL++ image processing library — one closed-source, one GPLed. It was extremely decent of them. When Mentor Graphics bought Code Sourcery, they continued developing the closed-course one and discontinued, then deleted, the GPL variant. It's unclear to me if that's kosher, as the closed variant must contain code that had been GPLed at one point. Here's the problem: complaining too much will mean we get code now that maybe four or five people, tops, will actually care about. It will also make corporations leery of any other such work in future, where that work will be of greater value to a greater number of people. So, the question I want to ask is this: When is it a good time to complain? By what rule-of-thumb might you decide that one violation is worth cracking down on, and another should be let go to help encourage work we're never going to do ourselves?"

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