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Comment Not sure if it helps (Score 1) 116

But, Chromium/Chrome has plugin for remote desktop. I don't know license of plugin, but it's there, easy to install, i tested it on Linux, should also work on Linux. It's easy to use. It's not running in normal server/client model, in a sence, that server is some google service, but it does what says on the tin. Though I have my privacy concern here. Its UBER easy, mom tested. (I have gentoo, mom's laptom Linux Mint) You only need plugin, which is easy to install, and chromium on both computers. No need for registration. On one end auto generated key on another this key is accepted.(so you need to make a phone call or VOIP out)

Comment Re:Yet another YOTLD estimate (Score 1) 363

No, not really, If I know applications i am goingt to need, i just serach them in GUI tool, and click to install, no browser messing... Most common programs are there in database. Thinderbird/firefox/gimp/vlc/etc. I was talking about GUI only solution, for most programs you don't CLI. And than, apt-get install packagename - even i remember it, and I DONT USE ubuntu. Nothing stops you from using other interface. Gnome/KDE/XFCE. Install them once, use forever. You can even use xubuntu or kubuntu. I agree, Unity sucks.

Comment Re:Yet another YOTLD estimate (Score 3, Insightful) 363

You mean it's too easy to use Linux? I mean... With ubuntu you just pop into it's centralised software database, and graphically install most needed programs from there, while in windows you have to find application in search engine, and actually navigate and download it, and it's not always as easy as it seems.

Submission + - Video Narrator in Linux?

dimko writes: Another plea for advice from collective mind of Slashdot. Fellow nerdy geeky boys and girls, I need to find some software that will help me pretty much translate different videos. I am talking about video narration here, not subtitles. There are a few video editors in Linux, but they edit project and videos. I am not professional translator. I can't do sync translation. So I may need to come back often to certain points of translated material and redo things. I am talking about videos sized between 20 minutes and 2 hours. It's no easy task as you can imagine. What can you suggest that works naively on Linux? I don't see Wine software as solution.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 0) 663

Don't remember when gnome crashed on me, but than, i don't use gnome 3. Linux is about choice. Use XFCE, noone says "NO" to you. Only problem I have with gnome 2, that is annoying, but not brain killer yet - gnome/start menu is not precached. Don't see reasons for it, i got 8 gigs o ram, and opening it, may take up to 2 seconds, but once its opened, its quick and efficient and most importantly - precached!

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