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Comment Re:Better idea (Score 4, Insightful) 162

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with the suits that they don't look at this and go "hmmmm, free research" instead of "OMG TEH WURLD IZ FALLIN?!"

Because they are corrupt. If they incorporate this research, their friends who own the chip and pin companies may not be capable of fulfilling the concomitant contracts that would derive from increased rigor. They consider security to be a cost center.

Comment Re:Police side of things. (Score 1) 515

But suppose the officer is exonerated in a court of law, and the person with the recording decides to get the officer in trouble in the court of public opinion by releasing the tape to the press? (For that matter, isn't this a much more plausible venue for such a recording than using it as evidence in a brutality charge?)

The way I see it, the response to an otherwise-judged-innocent situation indicates that maybe people would prefer if what is on video is illegal. That is, that the law should maybe change. You're presupposing a lot of evidence up to this point, since a police officer would be exonerated in their own department's investigation and prosecutors almost without fail will decline prosecution then and there, officers standing trial for on-the-job actions being such a rarity as to warrant TV coverage.

Comment Wikileaks, by Julian Assange (Score 0) 130

There are so many garbage ebooks selling for $40 on Amazon, certainly this means it's easy enough for someone to compile an ebook of wikileaks and sell it from any of a billion ebook marketplaces, not the least Amazon itself. And once the scam ebook scene smells blood (money) around wikileaks, it will become SEO fodder and also an advertising keyword. After that, Wikileaks will be fairly ubiquitable for the near term.

Comment Re:how many copies does it take? (Score 1) 130

Yes, efreedom are bad people. It looks like they popped up right after the last time Google rejiggered their algorithm (or at least around an announced/confirmed change), but who knows how long they've been around and whether their prominence is due to new science or a lucky SEO windfall finally rewarding them for something they'd been doing for some time (lurking at the 50th SERP. They have been falling off my searches somewhat since then.

Comment Re:Hear that bullshit (Score 1) 833

They execute their opponents because they claim it preserves their society and ideological way of life. Under this lens the US is doing the exact same thing.

If they do indeed use those terms to describe what is happening to Chinese people using the Chinese language, then they have a leg-up on the US.

Comment Re:Net Loss to Public (Score 1) 833

The public has a right to know what the government is doing as long as it doesn't compromise operational security.

We've already seen that the definition of "operational security" can be expanded arbitrarily, so how about we limit operations to a more reasonable level of public accountability? It's our money.

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