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Comment Re:Submissions missing the full title? (Score 1) 17

If Slashdot is only at the "let's see if we can get a simple text field to display properly" level of development, I'm definitely pissing in the wind about any other usability issues. Sad.

And who decided that Slashdot has so many comments that they need to be throttled so severely, even from logged-in users? SRSLY.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: How difficult is Slashdot to read ef 17

rhizome writes: With successful logins getting redirected to some page that bears no resemblance to your RSS feed, a filtering UI that is inscrutable at best, and barely any indication whether you are logged in, do you have any tips and tricks for reading Slashdot without frustration since the grand redesign?

Comment Future products (Score 1) 210

It's not going to stay "power adapter with password," that's just the simplest and most abstract (read: absent real hints of product plans) example they came up with for the purposes of the patent.

I predict that eventually the communications will go elsewhere, for a push-button support system like OnStar for AppleCare. Subscription fees FTW!

Comment Re:Customer service (Score 1) 576

Funny, I try to make calls go long when I don't think the rep is being as helpful as they should be. I'll start talking slower, asking open-ended questions, and basically dragging it out and re-asking the question I called about. That's fine, 20 minutes on the phone looks much worse on their back than mine.

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