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Comment Re:PBS Is Very Commercial Nowadays... (Score 2, Interesting) 387

I had questioned the E/I as well. From the following page: http://tv.about.com/od/frequentlyaskedquestions/f/EI_CTA1990.htm Answer: EI stands for Educational and Informational programming. It is a result of the Children's Television Act of 1990, which mandates broadcast stations to program at least three hours of educational programming a week. EI is often seen on Saturday mornings. In creating the Children's Television Act of 1990, Congress was reacting to a FCC report that recognized the role television plays in a child's development. The CTA essentially reduces the amount of commercials during children's programming, and increases the amount of education and information in each show.

Comment Re:Human nature (Score 0) 155

Amen. Anyone who is not touched by the episode "Spider" for HBO's From The Earth To The Moon, really didn't believe in any project anyways. Me personally, I think that the Grumman team that designed, tested and built the Lunar Modules (LEM) are one of the greatest engineering teams in the history of mankind. I think that the rover team are in a close second. Thank you Spirit, you will go down in history. And I would like to offer this quote from Alan B Shepard: "God speed and good tail winds"

Comment Re:Anectodal info (Score 0) 130

I was never unemployed during this current downturn, and I am in tech.

Probably the same for most... I'm just sayin...

Well I'm just absolutely fucking happy you've managed to make it through the storm. Some of us haven't you incensitive asshole. I'm so glad you kept your job and I love when ass clowns tell me how they kept their jobs. I hate to do this because I love Slashdot, but Fuck off and die. Thanks for worrying about your other thousands of colleagues that didn't get the same treatment as you.

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