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Comment Re:FOX News Headline (Score 1) 377

The real question is: how would you recognize bullshit if it was in your face? And how would you tell others it's in their face? People tend to sway. Fox is so over the top ridiculously garbage, that explaining how exactly they are bullshit is more an academic issue than a real one. It's clear to whomever uses their brain, and I fully agree (and so do many research reports) that these are more among viewers of Stewart and Maddow than Fox. The staggeringly large horde that doesn't care to use their brain, well, I don't know what to do about them either.

Comment Re:FOX News Headline (Score 2) 377

The only argument you have is that there must be two sides to a point, and that Fox just takes the other one. If you refuse to believe that you can debate positions on merit, then I agree: Fox is just the other viewpoint. If you care to apply your intelligence however, the picture changes. Some viewpoints are in fact bullshit.

Comment Re:Websites are responsible too (Score 1) 427

What I hate is webmasters that set arbitrary limits on password length and special characters. For example, there's no single special character commonly allowed by all the sites I'd want to use secure password on. How am I going to keep track of which character isn't allowed this time? And if I want a password of 200chars, power to me, right? No sir, I even have a bank that thinks 12 should be enough for anybody.

Comment Re:Tabs on the left make sense (Score 1) 186

Hmm, now that I think of it, maybe the next step should be that browsers automatically 'columnize' text, so that the end results looks like a (comfortable) newspaper. Instead of scrolling down, I could just see the next text on the right. With smaller resolutions it could go back to rendering as is done now.

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