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Comment Re:Another Stab At a Canadian DMCA (Score 1) 237

I'm very west coast (Victoria), and I was ALRIGHT with the conservatives thanks to them trying to scrap the gun registry, as I own rifles and hunt etc. (That's a whole debate in itself, ok?)

But, they've now effectively lost my vote. Digital rights is extremely important to me, and I hope that the newly formed pirate party (unfortunate name for some good ideas, but hey I guess the same with the green party) (speaking of which, have a look at the green party platform for BC, some cool infrastructure stuff in it) gets some votes from canadians now. The only way you can actually change anything is getting different groups (political parties) brought in. [and yes I realize I'm flipping back and fourth between federal and provincial parties, but hey im ranting anyway...]

You'll rarely see a genuinely excellent politician, note that the BC legislature gave themselves a 30% raise just a few years ago, because they thought they deserved more pay. Politics in general is brutal, some people vote based upon the "theory" of that party, some based upon their history, some to follow the crowd, some vote based upon unverified assumptions about that party. More people need to vote, and make an informed vote by doing their research.

Sadly, we're another step closer to 1984.

Comment Re:So.... (Score 1, Interesting) 135

So, in 1.5 million years we might possibly be threatened by some comets? Something tells me that unless we do something incredibly SMART in the next 1.5 million years, a lot of humanity isn't going to be on earth. So, in short, how is this news? I don't think anyone is going to be around in 1.5 million years.

There, Fixed that for you.

You're assuming that humanity will last the next 500 :P

Comment Useful for deep-space navigation? (Score 1) 193

Would this be useful for things like XNAV? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XNAV

I could forsee it being handy for things like deep-space navigation. And THAT would be extremely interesting!

For making ultra precise time and distance calculations? I guess when you're talking several thousand AU or even lightyears, if we can get a clock to such precision, then we would be able to hopefully narrow down accuracy of such systems to say....a few meters in a lightyear? (just as an example, probably more like a few meters in an AU, but I havent done the math)

Ofcourse, I'm not well versed in such things, I'm sure someone with more knowledge than me about this could readily correct me. :)

Comment So they RDP to a ground computer.... (Score 2, Informative) 201

Great, they RDP to a ground computer and go about their way. 3 problems I can forsee: 1. Somewhat laggy screen redraw 2. Possible RDPviewer remote code exploits? Then there'll be the first goatxe in space. 3. Line of sight problems, how is the handoff handled once the station goes over the horizon? Cool, though, glad to hear they've got the capability... Lets get them 100meg access, the RIAA and MPAA cant get them in SPACE!

Comment Multicore Enhancements!! :) (Score 5, Interesting) 205

My first question was "So...what does this do?" Apparently it is a more efficient way of scheduling threads on multi-core systems http://images.apple.com/macosx/technology/docs/GrandCentral_TB_brief_20090903.pdf apple's site says this: "Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) in Mac OS X Snow Leopard addresses this pressing need. It’s a set of first-of-their-kind technologies that makes it much easier for developers to squeeze every last drop of power from multicore systems. With GCD, threads are handled by the operating system, not by individual applications. GCD-enabled programs can automatically distribute their work across all available cores, resulting in the best possible performance whether they’re running on a dual-core Mac mini, an 8-core Mac Pro, or anything in between. Once developers start using GCD for their applications, you’ll start noticing significant improvements in performance. " So this seems good then.

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