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Comment Re:Astroturf... (Score 5, Funny) 217

When in doubt, lie, cheat, and steal. Strong ethics and morales will get you nowhere in this world kids.

Yes, this is true. At Petroleum Conglomerate (R), a friendly family owned company I know of, they have the strongest ethics. I think they are a real model that other companies should follow, with a strong core of values and a clear mission to improve the world through intelligent energy solutions. This is in stark contrast to the public image some would have you believe. In fact, they have teamed with Tobacco International (R) and with Weapons Systems Technological (R) to donate a percent of their proceeds to charities. I even heard that they are all having a 20% off sale until the end of the month. I know I'm going to order some oil, smokes, and a STA missile right now! You should too! (Offer may not be valid in all areas.)

Comment Re:Medical advantage (Score 1) 1091

Uh, I'd say that the contents of her shorts has a lot to do with people believing she is "clearly a female". The provided equipment is a fairly accepted test of gender (despite other external traits like the ones you listed). This has nothing to do with what she "wants". I have no idea where you got the gender favoritism from... That said, I do see discrimination... from people like you. Because she doesn't look feminine and can win races, she must be a guy?

Yes. Testes make the man. I'm saying she has testes. I think they haven't descended. See 5-ARD. Her testes give her a massive anabolic advantage over women. It would not be fair to true women to let her compete with them.

It's funny how /.ers say you are a sexist when your motivation is to see fairness for women.

Comment Re:And the solution...? (Score 1) 812

You don't get it. If there were perfect class mobility, then 20% of the top would stay in the top and 20% of the top would move to the very bottom. The point is that you have to climb out one generation at the time. So if you are in the very bottom, start working now if you want your great grandkids to have a solid shot at going into the top. You might think that is reasonable, but it is not equitable class mobility. It is a class mobility that incorporates a heavy dose of birthright. Your NYTimes page proved my point. Thanks.

Comment Re:And the solution...? (Score 2, Informative) 812

Research social mobility some time and educate yourself.


Recent researchers collecting data on the economic mobility of families across generations, looked at the probability of reaching a particular income distribution in regards to where their parents were ranked and found that 42 percent of those whose parents were in the bottom quintile ended up in the bottom quintile themselves, 23 percent of them ended in the second quintile, 19 percent in the middle quintile, 11 percent in the fourth quintile and 6 percent in the top quintile.[1] These data indicate the difficulty of upward intergenerational mobility.

Comment Re:Genetic Advantage (Score 1) 1091

Everyone competing in IAAF competitions should be fat, lazy, nonathletic, slobs.

Yes, it's about jealousy and has nothing to do with fairness in competition.

Your irony is not lost on me. Let me continue in your ironic spirit:

...In fact, Everyone competing in IAAF or any sort of athletics or competition whatsoever should completely give up on audits for fairness of any sort. I therefore propose these changes:

  1. Linemen should be able to bring function chainsaws to football games.
  2. Steroids and HGH should be mandatory.
  3. Mortocycles should be allowed at track events.
  4. Fire arms will now be required for all competitors. Automatic fire arms are encouraged.
  5. If you can, burn down your competitors' houses while they are sleeping in them. If you can prove you had a sporting event coming up, any related charges will be dropped.
  6. Bribe everyone you can afford to bribe. It's legal now.

So, in case you missed the point: audit of athletes is necessary to some extent. The 15 year old female in question is very, very, very masculine. It may be unfortunate to her, but being an extreme case, she might have to face an audit of her eligibility. If she passes audit of her gender, then she deserves her victories over other females.

Comment Re:Medical advantage (Score 5, Insightful) 1091

Ummm yeah! But it's not so rare. It's called being a GUY.

It's going to be unpopular here but I'll say it. That woman is the manliest looking 15 year old female on god's good earth. She walks like a man, talks like a man, has muscles like a man, and the general countenance of a man.

People here are treating her case as if she were clearly a female and so are giving her a lot of leeway to be whatever gender she wants. But they are going to be crying foul play if she turns up a man and she is going to be cast a villain for it.

What a difference gender makes, right folks?

Own up to the gender favoritism, kids. When we think someone is a woman, we make psychological concessions, and any big bad man who suspects she might be male is unfair.

None of the crusaders for her cause to be any gender she desires is thinking of her competitors or of the general concept of fairness.

If she has such spectacular genetics, let her compete with the men.

Comment Re:And the solution...? (Score 5, Insightful) 812

You have to remember the higher ups are responsible for a lot and it's a risky job.

Where did this myth come from that you get to be a higher up if you can just take the risk? 99% are "higher ups" because of birth right. The other 1% are held out there as tokens of the philosophy "if only you work hard enough for us higher-ups, you can make it too".

Ask any poor guy with an inkling of sense and he'll gladly accept this "big bad risk" you speak of to make a truckload of money. I'd do it. Where is my executive position at Goldman Sachs?

Nope. They aren't handing those positions out to people just because they want to take risks. You need to *KNOW* somebody, or better yet, be related to somebody. Otherwise, they could just hit any casino in Vegas to fill their empty executive positions.

I'm not saying you can't make it in capitalist America if you try hard enough, but it sure does help if you choose your parents wisely. And the willingness to accept risk is not the reason people get to be higher ups.

Comment Re:Big nothing. (Score 5, Funny) 164

So let me get this straight. The largest piracy case ever in the largest country in the world with the most piracy in the world included 4 people?

Yes. It's a shame. My heart really goes out to Microsoft on this one. I mean, the amount of disillusionment they must be feeling right now must be unbearable. All those years of fighting for justice and trying to make a good product and this is what they get? It's like a slap in the face. A real shame. It's like China doesn't give a rat's ass whether Microsoft turns a profit in their country or not, or any other American software company. I tell you what, I'm not going to buy Chinese products any more if they are going to treat American software producers like this. What a farce!

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