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Comment Re:heh (Score 1) 481

1. Leia was raised by the Organa family. She was also hailed as a Princess because people believed she truly was the child of Bail Organa. The person she believed was her mother wasn't actually her mother.

Luke specifically asked Leia if she remembered her real mother.

LUKE Leia... do you remember your mother? Your real mother?

LEIA Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.

P.S. Please don't sue me Mr. Lucas! It's only a little quote, I swear it's fair use.

Comment Re:Hmmmm (Score 1) 698

Anyone being fined just for being a fool, no other crime? If so I hope to hell the ACLU will pay keep a really good law firm on retainer for me. You can proselytize all you want and wear whatever symbols you like, in public. As long as I have the right to tell you to shut the fuck up when you proselytize to me.

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