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Comment Re:Constitutionality != Good (Score 1) 546

You shouldn't use your position as a US Senator to funnel money to the hospital which invented a VERY lucrative job for your wife.

You shouldn't use your position as Speaker of the House to push through laws which favor your husband's employer, saving said employer millions of dollars.

It reeks of corruption and distracts from the argument when it's brought to light - except when it's not brought to the general public's attention because it's an inconvenient truth for the MSM.

If you won't face THOSE conflicts of interest, then spare us your phoney concern over the examples you mentioned.

Comment Re:Who is dumb enough to believe a politician? (Score 1) 546

> I don't get it, where do you people get that everyone thought of Obama as a messiah?

Oh, maybe the people who swooned over him, believing his speeches meant more than his actions. Or perhaps Mr. Farrakhan, who SAID Obama was the Messiah.

> The vast majority of Americans are asking for a giant pork bill.

The polls show otherwise, and Wall Street (i.e., millions of investors) seems to differ with your opinion. In fact, the latest poll I saw said that the American people greatly favored tax cuts over increased government spending as a stimulus measure.

> that much money which was previously something the former administration liked doing

THAT much money? Sorry - but this is the biggest appropriations bill EVER. Interesting note - for all the (legitimate, IMHO) griping about government spending too much, it took a sharp jump in 2007 and 2008. Hmmm ... which party was controlling Congress then?

> the idea of borrowing several billion dollars to give people a tax cut is also quite absurd

Actually, it's pretty well established that tax RATE cuts DO increase tax revenue, because they encourage business growth. Even the Obamessiah acknowledged this in an interview, but said it was more "fair" to hike the rates on the wealthy even if it actually reduced tax collections.

I could laugh at the ways Obama's lies will disappoint his devoted followers, if I didn't know that _I_ would also be negatively affected by his devotion to ever-expanding government.


Submission + - The Top 12 Movies that Were Ahead of Their Time

Alex Billington writes: "What makes a movie years down the road be referred to as ahead of its time? It's the visual effects and technical achievements that the filmmakers implemented, from the miniatures in Star Wars to the time-freezing camera system in The Matrix, these movies were vastly ahead of their time. has comprised a comprehensive list of the top 12 movies in history that were ahead of their time, ranging from Psycho and 2001 to The Matrix."

Submission + - Flying Cars are here!

An anonymous reader writes: POINT ROBERTS, WASHINGTON — (MARKET WIRE) — 02/14/07 — Skyflyer Inc. the "Company") announced today that, subject to available financing, it is planning to commence construction of its prototype for the Skyflyer VTOL (vertical take-off and landing vehicle) within the next few months. The Skyflyer VTOL is a one to two-seater flying machine, designed to be piloted by members of the general public without the need for extensive training. This aircraft, designed by the Company, is expected to be usable in a variety of recreational and passenger applications. The current design contemplates that the Skyflyer will operate within an electronically and/or physically controlled airspace. Actual construction and testing of the initial prototype is expected to take approximately 6 months. The motor driven flying machine is expected to be able to take-off and land vertically, and its design gives it a spaceship-type look. The prototype is expected to have a diameter of approximately 4 m, with a height of 1.8 m, and a weight of approximately 700 kg. It is expected to have a rate of take-off of 0.1 m/s and a horizontal speed capability of 0 to 60 km/h. The general flight and control characteristics of the Skyflyer are expected to be somewhat similar to that of a helicopter. For safety reasons, the Company also expects to equip the Skyflyer with a GPS navigation system, remote controls enabling ground personnel to take control of the aircraft, and distance sensors. Subject to the Company obtaining financing in an amount sufficient to enable it to fund its development program, the first flight and data tests are expected to be conducted by the end of this year. In addition to its plans for the Skyflyer itself, the Company has been planning the development of a testing and demonstration facility to be located in Wegberg-Wildenrath, Germany. Subject to financing, the Company hopes to have this testing and demonstration facility operating in 2008. This planned facility will be used to test the flight characteristics of the Skyflyer, to simulate and control various flight plan concepts, and to optimize the system software for the Skyflyer and other equipment. The Company hopes that its Skyflyer VTOL aircraft will revolutionize the leisure and entertainment business. The Company believes that, as an attraction, the Skyflyer could surpass even giant indoor ski slopes and the most spectacular fairground ride. The Company hopes that the Skyflyer will be able to bring to reality humanity's dreams of flying personal aircraft.

Submission + - Could RIAA Website Be a Trick?

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: "The RIAA announced that it's going to set up a website for people interested in entering into "Pre-Doe" settlements.

Not being a technical person myself, I was wondering if such a website would be safe, or if it could be used as a surreptitious investigative technique, as, for example, by
-planting "cookies"
-tracking people who go to the site
-planting spyware

Would appreciate input from tech people out there on (a) whether it would be unsafe and (b) if it would be unsafe whether there is any way for someone approaching the site to take adequate precautions to make it safe."

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