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Comment Re:Books stores have a great use, if they'll do it (Score 1) 210

I'm not suggesting that paper isn't a nasty, wasteful process that is dangerous to the environment, nor am I in any way ignorant of the impact of the publishing industry and the paper and pulp industry.

However I am suggesting that if you did some research into the environmental impact of electronics manufacturing and disposal you'd discover that it is an equally nasty and wasteful process. And it is this that I believe you are ignorant of.

Examples being the production of integrated circuits, semiconductors, printed circuit boards, and printed wiring assemblies. All release hazardous gases, effluents, use up amazing amounts of water and energy for an item several hundred times their size and use a large number of hazardous chemicals.

This does not even consider the environmental cost of getting the raw materials used in electronics out of the ground and processed even before they go into the manufacturing process.

I'm not even asking you to care, just to be aware.

Comment Re:What do you expect? (Score 1) 725

Where does it state that a teacher can't lay hands on a child? They can't beat them, but I've never heard or seen any case where they can't grab you by the upper arm and drag your ass down to Administration to call your parents.

Comment Re:Wrong conclusion! (Score 1) 478

Am I correct in assuming that when you are using the Radio you aren't just chatting away with local ham operators and that the topic of conversation is usually related to your actual flight? But I think that's a important distinction.

Also I am guessing the distances used in aviation from possible obstructions are far greater than in a land vehicle.

All in all, not buying the plane/car analogy. Not disagreeing with your overall point however, we do need much better training, I finally realized why driving in Houston stresses me out so much. Apparently until recently they never had to pass a road test to prove they have a basic understanding of the rules of the road in a real scenario. This may account for the large amount of illogical driving I see on the road every day.

Comment Re:Diving with your knees is not dangerous (Score 1) 478

I'd assume that they'd grab the wheel in the event of a an approaching obstruction. Trying to avoid an obstacle (especially one that surprises you) using your knees is just silly.

One usually holds the wheel in place with your left foot and manages the gas/break with the other.

Still not advisable behavior, but neither is doing anything while driving a car besides driving.

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