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Comment Re:Let' see how fast they will run out of customer (Score 1) 222

Nah, people in Ireland are too willing to put up with crap like this. We like to complain, just to neighbours, not people that will actually do something about it.

Allied to the fact that Eircom controls all the phone lines in the country (charging over â23/$30 a month for rental), and the fact that the state of cable and wireless broadband in Ireland is a shambles; I'm not sure Eircom will have much to worry about in terms of prospective customers.

Submission + - Irish ISP agrees to disconnect repeat P2P users

mk2mark writes: "One of Irelands biggest (if not the biggest), Eircom has adapted the "Three strikes" rule proposed by the RIAA, where users downloading questionable material are given 2 warnings and then disconnected from the network. Strangely this has been an unprovoked and unexpected response from the ISP under no prssure from the Irish government. Rather, Eircom has adopted this policy voluntarily, apparently accepting the viewpoint that users are not so much responsible for the content they download than the ISP themselves, by providing access to illegal material. The article states that the Electronic Frontier Foundation has "blasted" the ISP for the move.

As far as the article can tell this is the first time an ISP has adapted a policy of voluntarily disconnecting p2p users. Read the article here"

Comment is this really necessary? (Score 1) 1117

That's a lot of money, introducing a lot of heartache - and for what? Is the goal educating the kids, or do you just get warm and fuzzy at the thought of a utopian macbook wielding society.

Laptops are not an end to education, they are a means. I would feel a lot more positive about the idea if there was some mention of what you plan to use computers for, rather than "computers are a part of out society, lets give our kids laptops". That's just irresponsible spending. Is your existing education system so good that this has become the best investment of such a large amount of time and money?

Comment Re:Lack of Interest in Science (Score 1) 737

A more fundamental problem is a general lack of interest in science.

Insightful comment in general. When you take the meaning of science in it's truest form as a desire for knowledge, your comment shows that as a race we're shifting from a desire for knowledge to a desire for ignorance, which is particularly worrying.

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