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Comment Re:Derp derp (Score 1) 702

Not blaming the OS at all. However, it is a reality and a fact. It is should that should be considered when choosing an OS. How often do we hear here on Slashdot "Well, I'd use Linux, but I play games and don't want to dual boot"

Submission + - Nokia E5 Runs 74 Apps At Once - Super Multitasking (

dkd903 writes: What would you call a mobile device that runs over 50 apps at once? Puzzled right? But this is true for Nokia’s new handset – Nokia E5. We stumbled over a video on youtube which shows that Nokia E5 runs 74 apps at once too good to be called Super Multitasking.

This is nice, but the question is will you actually need to run so many apps at once? We frankly feel, this is not at all a necessity. But it is always good to have such a powerful processor on your phone :-)


Submission + - Facebook glitch let spammer post to walls (

angry tapir writes: "A clever spammer found a glitch in Facebook's photo upload system and used it to post thousands of unwanted Wall messages last week. Facebook confirmed the bug Friday, after notifying affected users of the issue. Most of the messages promised "Free iPhones," a common spam message on Facebook these days. Facebook says that the spammer hit thousands of profiles before the company removed the spammy photos and notified affected users. No accounts were compromised as a result of the bug."

Comment Re:Fight them (Score 1) 857

Great quote from Thomas Jefferson: "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and State."

Submission + - Cell phones & cancer: definitely maybe (

crimeandpunishment writes: A major international study into cell phones and cancer, which took 10 years and surveyed almost 13,000 people, is finally complete....and it's inconclusive. The study, conducted by the World Health Organization, looked at the possible link between cell phone use and two types of brain cancer. It will be published this week.

Submission + - Pentagon Hacker Demands Government Payback (

Stoobalou writes: Pentagon hacker, Gary McKinnon has called on the newly-elected British government to put its money where its mouth is and tear up his extradition order.

US prosecutors have been trying to get McKinnon before a New Jersey court for seven years after they caught him hacking into US military and NASA computers for evidence of UFOs.

David Cameron, the newly elected Prime Minister, and Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, had both voiced their support for McKinnon's campaign against extradition. Other ministers in the coalition government had branded the extradition unjust. Clegg had even joined McKinnon's mother, Janis Sharp on a protest march.

Submission + - AT&T Funds right wing group against Net Neutra (

unity100 writes: AT&T Funded the right wing lobby group Americans For Profit, launching a $1.4 Million ad campaign against network neutrality. Within hours, Fox News network and their anchors have also taken the issue as their own, attacked network neutrality throughout long broadcasts. This seems to be repeitition of a similar attack against network neutrality in 2005-2006, when close to $100 million was spent by telecom companies in ad campaigns against network neutrality. That period also awarded us with Sen. Ted 'Tubes' Stevens, appearing in many news shows to tell us how internet was actually 'a series of tubes'. Current budget is much smaller compared to back then, however there is still chance for it to pick up. has more

On Tuesday morning, an AT&T-funded front group, Americans for Prosperity, announced a $1.4 million advertising blitz to try to convince Americans that the FCC is plotting to "take over the Internet."

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