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Comment Re:Businessmen (Score 2) 400

Yes by all means, the Boomers were the first Americans to "break the rules", like those rules preventing unions from occupying factories as was done early in the 20th century, and hundreds of other examples anyone could name. For fucks sake...civil disobedience is breaking the rules and frankly we could use more of it right now. Where is this fantasy land were everything would be OK if only the Boomers didn't rock the boat??

As others have pointed out you really think that, for example, the scumbags on Wall St fucking things up for all of us are all over 50 or something?? I swear, this Boomer bashing going on here (and the way it's getting modded up) is nothing short of fucking astonishing.

Comment Re:Businessmen (Score 1) 400

I'd argue that the primary reason for that gap is that the older group came from a time period when people below to top few percent weren't treated like worthless pieces of shit in some huge global job market. Are we going to blame the Boomers for that as well?? There are a lot of people behind all that inequality, and plenty of them sure as fucking hell aren't from my generation, I can tell you that.

This argument reminds me of this current trend to blame the worlds problems on civil servants and unions... that "They weren't treated like shit the way I am, so it must be their fault" sort of crap.

Comment Re:Oh, FFS (Score 1) 813

I have no clue what you're even asking. My point is that peoples knee jerk reaction to the idea of ill health in old age should be "maybe I should start taking care of myself", yet I more frequently hear people react "I hope I don't live that long". The very idea that anyone would ever say that sentence completely blows me away.

Comment Re:Oh, FFS (Score 5, Insightful) 813

Exactly. I'm 58 and have managed to get/stay more physically fit than most people I know in their 30s. I do so because I don't want my later years to be unbearable. What completely blows my mind is that most people I know, when the discussion of an elderly person having serious health issues comes up, will say "I hope I don't live that long", rather than "I hope I stay healthy"...I can't tell you how that attitude makes my skin crawl.

I guess that all part of peoples rationalizations for taking abysmal care of themselves (I've never been able to convince any of my friends to start working out for example)...that "you're gonna die anyway" bullshit. People love to delude themselves into the belief that you can take crappy care of your health, and that it just means that "switch" gets pulled a few years earlier. The reality is that it can mean spending decades of your life being in fucking misery.

All those sorts of attitudes kill me. Indeed...sign me up too!...I want to be healthy and live as long as I can.

Comment Re:Why dont they just make the plastic out of... (Score 2) 96

...and why do cheap plastics have to be used in things that are supposed to last? Hell...I have a couple of cheap plastic garbage cans that were given to us...they were purchased at Walmart...which have all but totally disintegrated in a matter of years. They're not recyclable either. I also have an old Rubbermaid plastic garbage can that's been in the same condition for decades. Given that Rubbermaid was put out of business by Walmart's refusal to agree to a necessary price hike, I've always seen those garbage cans as a good microcosm of everything that's wrong these days...

Comment Re:Diversity (Score 5, Insightful) 757

So from the point of view of every one else outside the US, Obama is a somewhat right-of-center candidate, and Romney is basically Hitler. So yeah, we root for Obama.

As a left of center (at least left of what I consider the center) American, it amazes me that so many Americans don't recognize this shift to the right that's taken place in their own country. The right seems to be almost blind to the fact that someone like Reagan, let alone someone like Eisenhower, would be WAY to far to the left for their party today, yet they continue to pretend that they worship them. I just don't get it. In fact, Obama's record puts him closer to someone like Eisenhower than to any leftist...and these folks are calling him a Socialist...really????. I mean there even anyone left in U.S. politics at any serious level that's even in the same universe as, say for example, George McGovern???...not from where I stand.

I'll tell you what's not flying with everyone. Almost every one of my family and friends who were hardcore Reagan Republicans in the 80s have ended up to the left of me amazingly. They're just dumbfounded as to what's going on there.

Comment Re:works here (Score 1) 180

Didn't work on either 32 bit gentoo machines of mine. One with an old card that requires nvidia-drivers-96.43.20: ./nvid-root
[*] IDT offset at 0xc13fe000
[*] Abusing nVidia...
(just ended there)...and one with nvidia-drivers-295.49: ./nvid-root
[*] IDT offset at 0xc13d4000
[*] Abusing nVidia...
[*] CVE-2012-YYYY
[*] 32-bits Kernel found at ofs 0
[*] Using IDT entry: 220 (0xc13d46e0)
[*] Enhancing gate entry...
[*] Triggering payload...
[*] Hiding evidence...
callsetroot returned fffffffb (-5)
[*] Failed to get root.

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