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Comment Re:No. Way. (Score 1) 317

I was on the border of starvation for more than 4 months to get the laptop.The only reason i got it is for work.

I am aware of the 20$ players. I have two problems with them (applies to ipods too):
- you pay a lot for good headphones
- the headphone's cord breaks or the mp3 player breaks within weeks to months.
I've gone trough 4 20$ players and twice as many sets of headphones until i gave up.

Also i don't live in the USA , 20$ is what i have to live on for a week , i'll take food over music.

Comment Re:No. Way. (Score 1) 317

I do! There's a free paper you can get at the subway at specific times in the morning and evening. I'm barely over 20.
It's not the best quality i'd rather buy one of the more serious papers around, but i don't always have time to do that.
Can't afford an IPad , can't afford an ipod , and i'm not going to whip out my laptop on the subway (i'd get mugged on the second instance)
There's nothing better to do for 50 minutes so i catch up on the news. I've given up on television anyway , i need some way to catch up with society. (it's annoying when your brethren over the border are having a revolution and you only find out about it 2 weeks later).
Seriously news papers are a nice way to spend your commute.

Survey Shows That Fox News Makes You Less Informed 1352

A survey of American voters by World Public Opinion shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. One of the most interesting questions was about President Obama's birthplace. 63 percent of Fox viewers believe Obama was not born in the US (or that it is unclear). In 2003 a similar study about the Iraq war showed that Fox viewers were once again less knowledgeable on the subject than average. Let the flame war begin!

Comment Re:Type 2? (Score 2) 148

Yes it is , type 1 only.
For you I'd recommend picking up body-building , it would solve your problem.
Check out the diets and exercises on , they're meant to promote insulin sensitivity , exactly what you are missing.
I am not a doctor but still , I'm confident it would help you.

Comment Re:Electronic currency (Score 1) 565

Oh you want facts ?
The reality is most precious metals have valuable applications , they're not just "amounts of work"

"The most conductive of all metals are silver, copper and gold in that order. Silver is also the most thermally conductive element, and the most light reflecting element. Silver also has the unusual property that the tarnish that forms on silver is still highly electrically conductive."
Platinum too

Today's current financial crisis is cause just by no longer enforcing the gold standard.

Comment Re:Nice, now why (Score 2, Interesting) 314

>> Because in most other advanced countries

And a few not so advanced countries. Actually , "not so advanced" would be taking it lightly.
Romania is still under recession , has some of the worst possible education and healthcare systems and the entire economical sphere is built on derailed socialist values (ie: prices increase on holiday instead of decreasing due to more sales , natural gas and petrol have some of the highest prices in the EU , basically everybody thinks ripping everybody off will actually benefit them)
Yet still we have one of THE BEST wan networks around , almost all cities are covered with FTTB , 100mbps for everybody @ 20$/month.
What's your excuse now USA ?

Comment Collision course or not. (Score 1) 222

It has to be cheap , power efficient , dense (performance per rack unit ) and most of all _stable_ if they want to use it for servers.
If they can manage those details it would be an instant hit , x86 servers are mighty expensive for small businesses , at least around where i live.
Either way some competition would be welcome and is sure to drive costs down.
The other essential problem is getting motherboards to meet the same criteria.

Comment Re:Wont somebody please think of the children! (Score 2, Informative) 446

Euros and dollars don't have stupid orders of magnitude , you have either one euro/dollar or cents (in both cases 1/100)
Latin and Cyrillic , just different symbols , same as the euro/dollar thing , just different names , you don't add letters either.
German vs Norwegian , language , well ok this one might be _slightly_ comparable to the issue at hand , one has to be a little more rantional than the other.
Zed and Zee , again , just an aesthetic issue.

Inches vs centimeters 1 m = 100 cm , 1 Foot = 12 inches. Now quickly tell me how many inches does it take to span 892360213452 feet cause i can just add two zeros at the end to do the conversion in metric.
If one foot was some arbitrary scale of a meter and it would be equal to 10 inches i would have no problem with it and would've cheerfully agreed with your analogies , but it is not.

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