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Comment Re:Systemd (Score 2) 182

But then, they included a DNS resolver, X11 auto configuration (which broke many desktop assumptions), user session management, syslog replacement, and the kitchen sink.

You realize systemd isn't a gigantic monolithic kitchen-sink binary, right? The service manager runs in PID 1, but things like logind, journald, networkd, resolved are all separate programs running in separate processes. And the auxiliary stuff is optional; if you don't want to use systemd's DNS resolver, don't install it. Plain old dhclient editing resolv.conf still works the same as always.

But including a package manager? Oh, come on, that is a bridge too far.

It's another separate program, and only relevant for distributions that are specifically designed to use it instead of a conventional package manager. If you're running something typical like Ubuntu or Arch or RHEL, systemd-sysupdate is not meant for you, and your distro likely won't even provide builds of it.

Package-based distributions have been around for a long time; we have good package managers now because the major ones have been in development for a quarter-century. RPM is a lot more robust now than it was back in 1997. Image-based distributions are a different approach that's new and experimental, so the systemd developers have taken a shot at advancing the state of the art for that kind of distribution model. They're not trying to change how traditional package-based systems install their updates.

Comment Re:systemd-linux (Score 4, Informative) 182

Why the hell should my INIT SYSTEM be shadowing my packager manager and doing system upgrade tasks?

Did you read the article? This isn't meant to compete with package managers. If you use a distro based on a traditional package manager, you don't need this feature and your distro probably won't even enable it. It's meant to support distributions like Silverblue that treat the whole OS as a single unit, rather than a collection of individual packages. There's interest in that kind of update model, because it makes sense for some (not all) use-cases, so systemd is aiming to make it easier to build distros that way. But package-based distros aren't going away any time soon (if ever); nobody's forcing you to switch.

Comment Re:assault weapon? (Score 1) 481

Merriam-Webster shows two definitions: one specifies fully automatic, and the other is "a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire". State laws have varying definitions, some of which include semi-automatic weapons. It's not as clear-cut as you make it sound. In the context of civilian mass shootings, there's a need for a term that means weapons designed to be good at killing lots of people quickly, and "assault rifle" seems to be what a lot of people have settled on, because it fits. Definitions follow from usage, not the other way around, and meanings of words can change over time.

(I see a parallel here to the word "hacker" -- which used to mean a skilled programmer, with no negative connotation, but now pretty much everyone uses it to mean a malicious intruder. Merriam-Webster shows both of those definitions too, along with one that's unrelated to computers.)

Comment Re:assault weapon? (Score 1) 481

It was an AR-15 with a high-capacity magazine. Not selective-fire, but semi-automatic and closely modeled after the M16, which is a military weapon. You can say that the lack of full auto means an AR-15 is not a military weapon, but it's still pretty clearly designed for combat, not just hunting or sports. So it seems pretty reasonable to call it an assault rifle.

Comment Re:Ah yes free speech (Score 2) 214

You're talking about a man who literally launched a luxury car into space. He probably doesn't even care if he flushes Twitter down the shitter, for the lulz. I think at this point he's just trying to go down in history as wasting as much money as humanly possible.

The point of that launch wasn't to put a car in space for the lulz, though. The point was to test a new type of rocket, to show that it works so customers would pay to launch other things (like satellites) on it. The payload for the test launch wasn't important; they could just as well have used a block of concrete. The car was a publicity gimmick, but the launch wasn't frivolous or wasteful.

Comment This is just a reinvention of Diceware (Score 3, Informative) 98

This is the same basic idea as Diceware, which has been around for a long time and does it in a much simpler way. You don't need special barcoded dice or a special camera app. Just roll an ordinary 6-sided die 5 times and look up the numbers in the Diceware wordlist. You can even print the list on paper so that the process is entirely manual and no amount of compromised software can snoop on your password generation. Each word has about 12.9 bits of entropy (6^5 is approximately 2^12.9), and you can choose how many words to generate based on the password strength you want.

I guess the innovation of DiceKeys is using more than just the number on the die as the entropy source. Using the Diceware method, 25 dice (5 words) gives you about 64 bits of entropy; to get at least 196 bits you need 75 dice (15 words). DiceKeys uses the orientation of the dice and their arrangement in the box as additional entropy sources, to get 196 bits out of just 25 dice.

Comment Re: Senate Report [Re:Microsoft Interference?] (Score 1) 186

Only a loser millennial uses the word whataboutism. The rest of us adults just call you what you are... a fucking hypocrite.

That one's called "ad hominem": you don't have a response to the substance of the argument, so instead you just insult the person who made it.

It would be different if you bitched about both sides. But you dont. You, metaphorically complain about slavery, while owning over a dozen slaves.

The grandparent post hardly looks like "bitching" to me. Are you arguing that XXongo shouldn't have written it? That he/she should've written a criticism of Democrats or something too, to make it "both sides"? If you think there are important details being left out, post them yourself as a rebuttal, rather than just ad-hominem insults.

Comment Re:Sounds like a feature (Score 4, Informative) 10

I don't know about other LG phones, but the Nexus 5 (specific phone mentioned in the article) already had an unlockable bootloader. No exploits needed; just fastboot oem unlock from a connected PC, then flash whatever custom ROM you want.

Unlocking the bootloader in the supported way would also wipe the user's data. That's a good thing: it's a security measure to ensure that the unlockable bootloader can't be used as a backdoor to access someone's data on a stolen or confiscated phone. This new attack sounds like it sidesteps that, so it's a security risk.

Comment Re:Unix philosophy died on systemd sword (Score 1) 203

Some people forgot Unix was originally designed as many small tools that do one thing really well, which can be powerfully combined into bigger tools with scripting and logic. Now we get this one size fits all do everything monstrosity.

Some people seem to think systemd is a giant monolithic daemon that does tons of unrelated stuff all in pid 1. It isn't. It's a collection of programs, each for a specific purpose, designed to work together through interfaces. There are some questionable design choices (like the binary logging), but it's not really the "monstrosity" suggested above.

Comment Not specific to 5G (Score 4, Insightful) 131

This is just saying that 5G will be fast enough for interactive two-way video with low latency. Sure, but that's already possible with the wired and wifi connections that people use at home. So it's not like this'll be an automatic and direct consequence of 5G; it's just a separate technology that happens to also be in development.

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