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Submission + - 9 Laws of Physics That Don't Apply in Hollywood

Ant writes: "Neatorama lists nine laws of physics that don't apply in Hollywood (movies and television/TV shows). In general, Hollywood filmmakers follow the laws of physics because they have no other choice. It's just when they cheat with special effects that people seem to forget how the world really works..."

Submission + - National Shutdown Day

bpedman writes: I found this site and idea to be interesting. invites all people that use a computer to shutdown for a complete 24 hours and not use a computer. Over thirty-thousand people have visited the site and committed to either shutdown for the day, March 24th, or not. I am as yet undecided, I do not know how long it has been since I have not powered on my computer or anothers for a full 24 hours. (Think of the electricity alone that would be saved in that one day if all computers were shutdown!)
Input Devices

Submission + - Do Consumer Grade Motion Capture Suits Exist?

Ilsundal writes: I've always been interested in 3D animation, and presently the only way I know how to achieve this is with Poser and a mouse. I've scoured the web for information on motion capture suits, and it appears that although they are available, you typically get the typical "please contact us" spiel, which can only means it's way out of my budget. Does such a thing as consumer grade motion capture suits exist for amateurs and hobbyists?

Submission + - Cook up Web sites fast with CakePHP

BlueVoodoo writes: "This tutorial shows you how to jumpstart your CakePHP application using scaffolding and Bake. You will also learn the ins and outs of using CakePHP's Access Control Lists (ACLs). You'll get a look at what scaffolding is and what it provides. Then you'll learn how to use Bake to generate the code for a scaffold, letting you tweak it as you go. Finally, you will learn about ACLs: what they are, how to create them, and how to use them in your application.

Other Popular Open Source Articles "

Submission + - Vista: Simple trick bypass anti-piracy technology.

Mikel writes: "Descriptions on how to crack the anti-piracy technology of Vista have been surfacing all over the internet over the past weeks. Most of them requiring rather sophisticated techniques. It's all water under the bridge now: We found out that here is a rather simple trick, one you may not believe at first -at least we didn't. Soon, our main question was how Microsoft could have missed something so obvious. The whole news about this finding: l"

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Do you suffer painful elimination? -- Don Knuth, "Structured Programming with Gotos"
