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Comment Was sorry to see hypercard go. (Score 1) 115

When you think of devices with small screens,
the idea of a card paradigm is better than a "page" or a "screen".

The distinction is important. People intuitively know that a card usually
expresses a single idea, and that is likely to be part of a larger collection
of cards (frequently sequential)

So Kudos to Google, and I hope they can make it work.

Comment Re:Postgres (Score 1) 241

not sure quite how that applies here.
vacuuming applies to unused portions of the disk,
not memory allocated by malloc.

I can see similarities, but since postgres *knows* what
space can be reclaimed, and what can not, then it has
all the benefits of a GC'ed language, and could benefit
by applying GC prinicples used by other languages that
do GC well (i.e. java)

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