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Comment Nymh banned... (Score 3, Interesting) 386

According to some players Nymh is banned cause due to some bad tricks. With others people from his guild he manage to hit mobs (monsters) the first and let his friends finish it. First to touch, first to get the XP... Good cheat but bad idea, Blizzard catch Nymh and now it's finnish for him. :)

Submission + - Google mobiles to make February debut? (

SpinelessJelly writes: "It appears that Google's Android, criticised by Microsoft as vaporware, has sprung to life. Prototype devices are circulating, software developers are experimenting with the SDK and PC-based Android emulator, and there are rumours of a show-stopping debut at February's Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona. Numerous examples of the Android GUI are also starting to leak out."

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